Episode 38

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Jinim let out a sigh staring at the pale figure on the bed it been three days after the surgery but the male has not woke up yet and that worried him the doctor had make sure he was out of danger but jinim is not satisfied yet as he clung tightly on his brother not leaving his side for once and like miracle jimin slowly stirred on his sleep making Jinim eyes widened as he quickly rush out to call the doctor.

Jimin finally open his eyes he takes his surroundings and find out he was on hospital bed he sigh and tries to sit up causing a grunt to escape his lips from the sudden pain in his stomach.

Jinim rush back with the doctor and quickly help the male carefully into a sitting position and taemin examine him and gives them a good news that he's now perfectly okay and that he should have a lot of rest before giving them a smile and leaves the room to visit another patient.

Jinim wobbles his lips before pulling the male into his embrace.

"I really thought you are going to leave me"he cried as they cling tightly together and Jimin let a few tears drop out of his face as he strokes his twins hair.

Jinim pulls away wiping the male tears away while his own flow freely.

"don't ever scare me like that"he whisper softly nudging their forehead together making jimin nod and wipe jinim tears away before scanning the room.

"Where is jungkook and Taehyung anyway"he asked with hoarse voice and his typical puppy eyes staring at his twins who swallow thickly staying silent for a moment before letting out a force smile.

"H-he quickly went to run errands he will be back before you know it"jinim stutter letting out an awkward laugh and Jimin could felt his uneasiness.

"I guess he must really busy"jimin whisper with a frown his sad eyes averting his gaze to the floor.

He was sad for not waking up to the male by his side and he can't deny he had missed the taller so much.

The door open revealing Taehyung with namjoon and kim seokjin his boyfriend with yoongi and Hoseok.

Jin wobbles his lips and went to jump on the male making jimin wince in pain and jinim quickly pulls jin away while snapping a glare at him with a protective arm placing around his twin shoulder making jimin release out a chuckle.

"Thanks goodness you're alright none of us get a good sleep for the past few days because of jinim"

Hoseok chuckle shaking his head while namjoon went to give jimin the bouquet he bought for him.

Jimin smile and smell the flower in his hands he felt taehyung's hands caressing his black lock make his smile growing wider.

he giggles when he studies how they were showing more affection to him than usual he felt everything could be more perfect if jeon jungkook was here too.

He hope the male would come back to him soon.

they stay throughout the day joking  and laughing with each other making sure jimin wouldn't be sad or missed jungkook too much which is really impossible since jimin would sigh from time to time and his eyes never leaves the door.

A time pass quickly and just like that a week passed and jungkook is nowhere to be found.


A vase was thrown to the wall making Jinim scream while covering his ears in horror as it crashed shattering into many pieces on the floor.

"How many times should i ask you jinim where's jungkook!!"jimin shout angrily glaring at his twins who was staring at him in shock.

"J-jimin c-calm down"

"Don't tell me to calm down it obvious you're keeping something from me!!!"

He screamed at his defeated twin who look exhausted and jimin can sense his uneasiness.

"Please jiminie I will tell you later just know that jungkook is currently out of city and i promise he will be back before you know it"Jinim lied his voice shaking making jimin let out a frustrated huff.

"It been a week already yet he didn't show up or call and the way you guys are hanging around here everyday it's as if you're trying to keep me busy but I'm not a fool jinim it obvious you're keeping something from me so please tell me everything what's wrong"

jimin said quietly and there's a hint of sadness in his voice making jinim frown.

"d-did he break up with me does he not want me anymore"jimin says quietly his voice crack with tears dropping from his eyes and he look so sad making jinim quickly pulls him into his embrace as he weep bitterly.

"P-please tell me I'm wrong"jimin choke out by now jinim is silently crying as jimin sob on him his face red as he clutches on jinim's shirt.

Jinim pulls away and stay silent for a moment making jimin heart tugs in uneasiness when he saw the deep frown on jinim's lip.

Jinim takes a deep breath and hold jimin's hands who was licking his lips to hold back his sob.

"t-the t-truth is jungkook is no longer in----"

The door open cutting jinim's off as taemin walk into the room with a bright smile which fade immediately when he saw the gloomy atmosphere in the room as he eyeing the shattered glass on the floor.

Jinim cleared his throat catching his attention before rolling his eyes and taemin bright smile coming back to his face.

"It really great to see you're getting better i came to give you another good news"he mentioned with a smile making the two lift their brow.

"the person who gives you the donor has wake up"he confess making the males widened their eyes.

"really!!where is he?is he okay"the two mention at the same time making
Taemin let out a chuckle.

"Yes she is actually resting now I'm really surprised she survived her chance of dying is 80% yet she still adamant on giving you her bones you're really lucky jimin to found someone like her"

taemin express chuckling patting the two confusing male before walking away to the door.

"Oh and if you want to see her just ask from the nurse in the counter"he said and with that he went out slamming the door shut.

The two share a confused look before looking at the door where taemin dissapear too.

"Should we go and see her"jimin ask unsure looking at Jinim who shrugged

"Maybe but I'm suddenly getting a bad feeling"jinim claim and jimin slap his shoulder playfully making him wince dramatically while jimin chuckle.

The two went to the first floor and ask the people they found on the counter who direct them to the ward the female was staying.

Jimin knock on the door only to heard a loud yelling coming from the closed door jimin quickly reach for the door knob pushing it open and the two lift their brow when they saw a nurse blocking the woman ways as they were having an argument.

"Madam I can't let you leave yet your health is not okay it very dangerous for you to be moving around like this"the nurse says desperately trying to pull some sense into the stubborn female.

"I said I'm okay let me meet with the doctor in charge i can't really stay here for long"the woman shot back her desperate eyes begging the nurse who let out a frustrated sigh.

"Maybe we should come back later"jimin whisper to his twin who nodded in agreement as they turned to go the woman push the nurse out of her view and tried to run catching the twins attention who froze immediately while the female gasp staring at the two shocking male.

"J-jimin,Jinim"the woman choke out and a fat tears crawling out from her eyes immediately.

"Mum?"the two said in unison unable to believe their eyes.

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