Part 3.2

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"Why is it so important that I meet your friends, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked.

"It's just... I think you'll get along well." Iwaizumi said, taking Oikawa's hand in his.

"But what if we don't? What if they hate me?" Oikawa looked down. Friendships are something he is still scared about.

"Tooru." Oikawa froze, before turning to Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi smiled at him, cupping his face with his hands. "They're gonna love you. Trust me, okay?"

Oikawa blushed. No one ever called him by his given name. And it felt so good to hear someone say it after so long...

He smiled and nodded. "Alright!" Someone passed by, purposely passing through them, pushing both further and making Oikawa fall.

"What's your problem!" Iwaizumi snapped at the guy.

"People like you are my problem." The guy glared at Iwaizumi and pushed him. Iwaizumi glared as well and returned the gesture. The two started fighting. Oikawa got up and cleared off the dirt from his jeans.

The guy landed a punch on Iwaizumi, breaking his nose. Iwaizumi took a step back. "Stop that!" Oikawa positioned himself in front of Iwaizumi.

"Or what?" The guy asked in a very arrogant tone and proceeded to punch Oikawa.

Oikawa caught his fist, before leaning it back to the point he broke his arm. The guy screamed in pain.


Oikawa ignored the guy and instead turned to Iwaizumi.

"Iwa-chan, are you okay?" Iwaizumi looked up.


"Does it hurt?" Oikawa asked, worried.

"I'll live." Iwaizumi's eyes went wide. "TOORU WATCH OUT!"

The guy took out his gun, pointing it at Oikawa. Oikawa raised an eyebrow.

"I'm gonna kill you, you fucking-" Oikawa lifted a hand before snapping his fingers. The guy turned into dust. Iwaizumi stared. Oikawa turned to him, holding a hand up.

"We should go." He said.

Was Iwaizumi scared? Yes. Did he think this was the hottest thing he had ever witnessed? Also yes.

He accepted Oikawa's help. "Tissue?" Oikawa took a packet of paper towels out of his pocket, offering them to Iwaizumi, who gladly accepted them.

"You turned him into dust..."

"He should be thankful I didn't make him explode." Oikawa glared at the pile of dust behind him.

"Why didn't you?" Iwaizumi asked while wiping the blood from his nose.

"I didn't want our clothes to get dirty! A good first impression is important, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa lectured him.

Iwaizumi chuckled. "And yet, you turned him into dust."

"No one hurts my beloved and gets away with it!"

It was silent for a while as Oikawa's words sunk in. Iwaizumi blushed, and Oikawa was redder than a tomato.

"Your be-"

"WE SHOULD GET GOING!" Oikawa started walking away. Iwaizumi smiled.



"The other way."

"Righ! I knew that!" Iwaizumi chuckled.

They started walking again. Their hands ended up together again. No words were exchanged. Until they reached a big house.

"Is this where your friends live, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked.

"One of them. But it's big enough so we meet up here." Iwaizumi walked up to the door and rang the bell. Oikawa was next to him. He was feeling nervous.

The door opened, and his face paled.

"Hello, Oikawa."

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