🌶🧀👢The Game👢🧀🌶

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A wonderful day, and within two females were in bed still, with just blankets and nothing else wearing.

Chili pov

I woke up- a bit stressed from last night, I looked around and i was in a different room, something heavy was holding me tight, I looked down and it was-.... RYE?!!, I got in panicked and when I look under the blanket I panicked more ",AHHHHHHHHHH----," I scream with all my lungs, Ryu woke up and threw a pillow at my precious face ",Fuck off!! I'm trying to sleep okay? You were to rough last night!!," she screamed at me ",What you mean I was too rough?! And- What did you to me!! I have no clotheeees-!," I said mad ",hey chill- you were the one that did this, bitch we did a deal, and after you got drunk as hell, and you were too rough bitch-- masochist," Rye said.

I couldn't remember much than leaving with her and send a few texts to my friends... text... MY GAME- ",Yeah sure you rapist," I said and grabbed my phone 10:30!!! And try to stand but I fall because my feet got stuck on the blanket ",Shit-," I said and grab my clothes now ",what's the hurry for?," Rye said standing up and placing a sheer rob nightgow, I still could see a bit her body on it, and was bit in disgusted ",like what you see? Because I already did see," she said and yawn and grabbed her own clothes and threw some at me ",what-," I said ",if you didn't remember, a birdie send me a fee clothes of you which is the game, I bet you know who I'm talk of," she said, I opens the things and it was from Golden cheese ",how did she-," I said in shock ",hello- we're literally cousins, duh," she said grabbing a cigarette ",gimme that- imma take a shower mf-," i said taking away her cigarette and grabbed it for myself and went to wash up.

After a long minutes

I walk out and it was 11:04 AM, lucky my practice before the game was at 1:00PM I have to be there at least at 12:00, I went downstairs and saw Rye with other clothes and already clean i supposed, she was cooking something, I was about to leave when she touch my shoulder ",why so fast? Are you going to missed breakfast?," she said to me, I sigh and look at her ",I need to go to practice you dummy, I have a game to day for your information," I said a bit mad ",hey relax, you have to be there at least at 12:14 right? Take your time, I'll give you a ride there," Rye said, I rolled my eyes and I accept since I didn't want to spend my money on the bus.

We talked a few things, even though a few pissed me off, but at some points at least she was trying to communicate with me ever since we last saw each other when I was in 4 grade with her, and yes, I did meet her when we were like newborns to be exactly we both born just a day apart, still she's annoying as well.

",so- how did you got the invitation on such a place with elegant event? Are you perhaps with someone?," she asked while I was drinking coffee, I place it on the table ",kinda.. actually it was a friend of mine that invited me and other friends of our group to the event but I guess it ended up by wrong, God damn it! I wish I was there to kick the shit out of that wanna be everything," I said ",what? Who?," rye asked more interested in ",the 'super model' Chocolate chip, that bitch has been bullying us since she appeared on our lifes! Especially with my shy friends that has a bit of speaking problems you know? Like what is her damn problem- and she even spit wine on my friends white pink dress while everyone was looking! I was i was there to kick her ass once again," I said mad ",oh her... I heard a lot from her from my cousin- she said last week she change her sweater into pink and her stuff because she liked it that way and plus she was a girl," rye said ",we all know cheese doesn't like to be call a girly- she's more like a dude," I said ",exactly," Rye said, we talk more of things.

",what about your team?," she asked again ",well- I improve against Cheese and we ended up in rivals at beginning but at a stupid game we both fucked our knees so- now that we fix past problems now we're like friends I supposed- we talk but just in practice and rarely out of training, I got along with the team but it still weird- as well I'm co-captain," I said ",well- that is quite good to know you change a bit at least," she add, I looked at her confused ",what? I'm still the same," I said in a cold tone ",well- yeah but now you're more social and having a good smile," Rye said with a smiled, it piseed me off more but I just sighs, we stay in silence, not until I saw the clock and freaked out ",IT'S LATE-," I said grabbing my backpack  ",oops- let's go, Miriam! Can you help me on dishes?," she said and a old lady walk in ",sure Ms. Rye," she said ",thank you," and we walk out of the house.

We arrived and she park in front of the gym ",thank you I guess," I said, I was about to leave when she kissed me on the cheek ",good luck darling," she smiled at me, I was in shock and shout ",OH fuck off!!! And don't call me that way!," I walked away, I felt my face red, I was angry now ",TOMATE!!!HERE!!! COME ON!!," I heard Golden Cheese screaming at me with a huge smiled, I place my bag on the locker and the equipment to me and went on my position ",ready?," Golden cheese said "I was born ready," I said and we started to practice.

In the game

People and students were cheering them, and the rival team, Hollyberry was with her uniform cheering to her team ",COME ON CHEESE!! COME ON CHILI!! COME ON PEOPLE!! YOU GOT THIS!!," Hollyberry screamed excited, I started to sweat- not of nervous but of how hot this place was, I was bringing a thing for the net when I saw... Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao outside? What is he doing with the boyfriend of that brat?.

I stayed a bit and it looked like no one there or where I was looking of the window, I saw Pure vanilla looking around and Dark Cacao got closer, WAIT- I blinked and they... KISSED?!! I gasped loudly and Cheese was behind me ",what? Is anything okay?," she asked I immediately leave the window and smiled nervous and confused ",Yeah! I thought I saw a mouse-," I lied ",seriously? You saw them right? I thought I was the only one that knew," she said and close the door ",what? You knew they-,"  ",yup, my best friend cao confess that to me, and I hope you keep it as secret okay?," she said and I accept, I can't wait to annoyed Pure vanilla.

We both got back and do what was to be done, as well Pure vanilla walk and sit with my other friends that were excited, I got in position and the game begin.

We were 24 points and the other were 18, one more and we got it, kumiho pass the ball to the other side and one hit it hard, it almost landed on us but carrot cookie passed it to me ",CHILI!," she yelled ",GOT IT, GOT IT, GOT IT!!," I yelled and run before it touched the floor, I threw myself and bump it up close to the net ",I GOTCHA," Cheese run and jumped high, she hit the ball with one hand and the volleyball ball hit the floor before the other team could reached it ",BLUEBERRY HIGH ACADEMY WONS THE GAME!," they said, people got out and my friends hug me ",YOU DID IT!!! I KNEW IT!," wizard shake me savagely  ",OKAY STOP YOU ANNOYING OLD MAN," I said ",y-you did i-it!," Strawberry said shyly ",good job;" Gingerbrave said, I looked at Pure vanilla and hug him ",secret is secret,".I whisper, he looked at me pale, and I smiled a bit since I'm not usually that smiling person and do a secret sign and he sigh relax, it was a good game...actually...

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