🌻🌿🍮🍬🏵Events 2 🌻🌿🍮🍬🏵

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Vanilla flower finally fall asleep on bed after she ate something, Lilith and Cremé was left alone on the living room ",it's been a while I guess... how's your wife?," Cremé said drinking his coffee  ",I don't have a wife Cremé," lilith said, Cremé spill the coffee surprised ",what? How did you even had a daughter??? You adopted her?," Cremé said ",no- the mother left me with her right after she gave birth to her for another man," lilith sighs ",single dad uh?," Cremé said "yep- what about you? Are you dating anyone? By knowing you, I'm sure you're not even married," lilith said ",as always you are correct indeed, I don't have time to date," Cremé said taking out a cigarette and turning it on after he finished his coffee ",not even after we used to date?," lilith said raising an eyebrow curious ",pfff- I did dated a chick, but it wasn't the same because you ruined me," Cremé said smoking ",me? Says the one who kissed Panna cotta in front of my face even before we broke up," lilith said a bit angry ",fuck you shy sensitive bitch-," Cremé said ",then do it, I simply don't care, damn it! I thought you changed, and still the same," lilith stared to complain, Cremé finished the cigarette, silently he just stared at lilith like nothing.

",but also you had to be a completely bitch, why didn't you just told me about those issues rather than making them worse- whenever you felt that, why  couldn't you ju-," Cremé just got closer, place his hands on lilith cheeks of his face who was confused and kissed him, Lilith was very surprised but he didn't deny it,  instead he let it slide ",I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG, SERIOUSLY?," Vanilla flower appeared out of nowhere, Lilith jumped surprised and look at vanilla flower upstairs ",WHAT THE HELL- WEREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP?!," Lilith screamed back ",I GOT THIRSTY AND THE SECOND I WAS ABOUT TO GO QUIETLY, YOU GUYS WERE MAKING OUT- AT LEAST GET A ROOM!! DAMN IT LILITH... wait- you were gay this whole time? And you didn't tell me...," Vanilla flower slowly went downstairs surprised ",I- that doesn't matter right now, you need to rest," lilith stood up a bit angry ",so I don't matter to you at all?," Cremé said looking up and down to lilith on a judgemental way with Vanilla flower ",that's not what I meant- I-," ",save it, let's go Van," Cremé said standing up and going upstairs with vanilla flower ",Guys-... damn it," lilith said.

The next morning

"Zzzz...zzz," everyone was asleep, Cremé in another room, Vanilla flower in another one, and lilith in the couch very comfortable everyone were.

Few hours a noise was heard Knock knock lilith opened his eyes bit by bit knock knock ",coming..," he yawn standing up from the couch and opened the door ",how can I help you?," lilith said ",I delivering this food for Mr. Cremé," a guy said ",oh- sure, have a good day," lilith took the food and closed the door, he was half asleep after he had to call his mother to take care of his daughter for him for another week or so. He placed the bag of food in the table, went back to the couch ",woah- sleeping again?," Cremé said going downstairs with new clothes after showering ",fuck you Cremé," lilith raise the middle finger ",how rude, you were soo shy and nervous, and now you look like a zombie and savage," Cremé said opening the bag of food ",shut up- you put me in a terrible position last night, even the kidnapped," lilith said ",Lilith.. I think is better if we get back toge-," ",Cremé hurry up, the SPG wants to see us right now," Cremé stayed quiet ",back to what?," lilith turned to look at him with hope a bit ",back the way we-," Cremé couldn't finished when Vanilla flower appeared with her uniform ",let's go Cremé," Vanilla flower said ",sure sweetheart," Cremé said and smiled, they both left. This made lilith sigh ",I never wanted to leave you if I didn't had to choice between your safety or dead.. ," lilith said covering his face with a pillow to avoid the crying.

Vanilla flower and Cremé gets inside of the car on their way to work ",so... you and my best friend were something... what the hell happened? And why none of you told me?," Vanilla flower said ",it's complicated van, and I can't say it right now, because I don't even know how in hell we ended up this way... and you understand right?," Cremé said avoiding the talk ",I understand... but I'm here for you too," Vanilla flower said.

They both arrived to SPG, a lot of people were in shocked seeing the most terrified woman in the office again ",she's alive?," ",oh..poor woman... her husband," ",oh no- he literally just got remarried," ",how the fuck did she survived?? She doesn't seem to have marks of burns at all," a lot of ladies and gentlemen were whispering around each time Vanilla flower walked pass them ",assholes- i do have scars," Vanilla flower said pissed ",and here's the little sister I know-," Cremé said.

They get inside of a private meeting room where the chairman and also heir were ",Vanilla flower, or so named the siren woman, or the rebel miss," the chairman smiled ",I'm not fucking playing around, Why did you told my husband I was dead?!," vanilla flower with her fist she hits the table violently making cracks in them ",Calm down, there is no choice, you must stay hidden for now, I understand you're mad right now but there is nothing else I can do right now," the chairman said ",nothing..? Nothing.. NOTHING?! THANKS TO THAT FUCKING MISSION MY LIFE I MADE FROM SCRATCHES WAS TAKEN!!!! AND IF IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF IT I WOULDN'T HAD LOOSE MY FAMILY!!! I LEFT MY BABY AND MY HUSBAND!!! HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A TRUE MOTHER LOVE IS!!! AND EVERYTHING I DID WHEN I HAD NOTHING? AND YOU CAN'T EVEN DO ANYTHING?!," Vanilla flower screamed mad and in tears ",WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT? ALL I KNOW BY THE GOVERNMENT IS THAT YOU NEED TO STAY HIDDEN UNTIL WE GET NEWS- AS LONG THAT BASTARD STILLS ALIVE, YOU WON'T BE ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING ELSE THAN SMALL MISSIONS!!! OR WHAT? YOU WANT YOUR HUSBAND AND THAT BABY YOU SAID YOU HAD TO DIE?," the chairman stood up and as well in anger he hits the table making more huge cracks ",he's alive...? But I-," Vanilla flower was stunned  ",Vanilla... look- I know you sacrifice a lot, even your family, but none of us had it easy okay? We all suffer too, just listen to me... I will allow you to see your son when he gets to be 18, and maybe your husband later, but now just keep this," chairman said giving a package to Vanilla flower, she opened it and there was a lot of photos from Pure vanilla since he was a baby to 8 years old ",....," Vanilla flower was crying at this point, he looked exactly like her, with different eyes color, like a cute combination of hers with her husband and the hair just like her ",he's... beautiful, my baby.. my child," Vanilla flower hug tight the photos, the 5 people there sigh, and so the chairman walk towards her and hug her ",flowy... we all love you as a family, you are like a daughter I never had, and a sister to all of this people here who cares about you, but you must be strong like always... it's just time to pass and you'll be available to see your son," the chairman kissed Vanilla flower forehead.

Cremé and Vanilla flower were in the car after the meeting for more updates ",so- what are your plans?," Vanilla flower had a cold expression now ",I'm killing that bastard... I don't care anymore, I'll find him and torture him until he begs me to stop, while he slowly dies in agony... and I'll enjoy it," Vanilla flower said it in a cold tone ",now that's my little sister coming back, let's get this over with then."

They both arrived to the penthouse where Lilith finished cleaning, currently doing his work in the laptop ",Lilith, we need to talk, you'll be fired from your company job and you'll be back to SPG again," Cremé said ",WHAT- but I haven't work for them 6 years ago- AND I CAN'T LEAVE MY DAUGHTER," Lilith said ",well now you're hired, we need to stop the bastard before anything goes wrong, this will take years, so be ready to get babysitters often, is not a asking, is a order from the chairman," Cremé said ",... are we getting Dark and the old crew back?," Lilith said ",oh hell no, that alcoholic is a piece of shit- is surprising that he had a son, or kids the other idiots," Cremé said (Hollyberry, Golden cheese, Dark cacao parents) ",fine... ," Lilith said ",let's get our lives back," Vanilla flower said ",mhm."

End of flashbacks.

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