I Forgiven You (Last)

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Nandini's pov

"Who are you" I asked

"I? Well you Don't have to know it's just I am the one because of whom you are here I am sorry for this but you suddenly came in front of my car and before I could apply break this happened" he said and I was like to kill him

"Why you saved me?" I asked and he looked at me in shock

"What?" He asked

"Ya Why you saved me I intentionally came in front of your car to die but you, you ruined everything" I Shouted on him and without letting him say anything I removed all the drips and things went out and with a  coincidence I am in the same hospital

I rush to his room to see him still unconscious

"What is this miss?" i listened a voice and turned to See Doctor "Can I Know the reason behind your this stupidity?" He asked

"I Just wanna die" I said "leave all this and tell me how is he?" I asked  before he could ask me Further questions

"He is same its been 16 hours he didn't replied for once not even finger movement" he said while I was crying

"Listen I know you love him but I think you should leave the hopes of his well being his condition is worst I never saw A case like him he will be okay but he don't want to" he said and giving him medicines he left

Suddenly That same guy came in

"I don't know I should ask this or not but do you love him?" He asked and I cried he just hugged me and tried to console me but my tears were non stop "listen you have to be strong for him tell him that you cant live without him say him to come back for you if he ever loved you than come back" he said and I looked at him with teary eyes while he blinked his eyes to assure me "I think I should go I am already late for my flight" he said and was going when I stopped him

"What's your name?" He turned and smiled

"Sam" saying so he left and I sat beside Manik holding his hand

"Manik if you are listening to me then please move you finger I know you can listen to me please" I said and saw his finger but no reply "Manik do you love me?" I asked but again no reply "Manik have you ever loved me please fucking reply me?" I asked and he moved his finger a bit which means he is listening to me "Have you
forgiven me?" I asked but again no reply "Manik if you ever loved me than for that Love's sake open your eyes please stop this otherwise I will die"I said but no response and I think I lost him forever

"Nandini" I Listen his husky tone and I looked at him

"Manik are you okay, is it paining anywhere" I asked with a concern

"Please let me die Peacefully Baby doll" he said and My heart skipped a beat he said me baby doll?

"Manik please stop saying this You Know I can't live without you why you are giving me this punishment Manik, Was I at fault that day if I Was then punish me in other way not ike this I Can't loose you again" I said

"Baby doll You wasn't at fault I am the one at fault who trusted you blindly who trusted Alya Blindly I am at Fault" he said

"Manik please give me last chance I promise I will never do that again please" I said

"I want to sit" he said and I made him sit he then holding my hand made me sit in front of him "I Forgiven you Baby doll" he said and I smiled, Have I listened right?

"Really?" I asked and he smiled weakly "you will never leave me right you will stay with me right?" I asked and he nodded but his smile soon vanished

"What happened to you why your head is injured why you are in hospital uniform?" He asked being concerned

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