Bender Arena

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"Y/n!" someone yelled. "Y/n! Wake up! Wake the fuck up!" I opened my eyelids to Kristen's face, her hands shaking my body all over.

"Stop fucking yelling, Kris! I'm awake! See? Wide fucking awake!" I yelled back. I had a hell of a headache from last night. Last night? What even went down last night? Oh, fuck. I didn't remember a damn thing.

"We need to leave! We need to drive for six hours to get to the next venue, Y/n! Just put something on and let's move." Kristen said leaving my room.

"Aaaargh!" I yelled putting my pillow on my face. I don't even know what day is today. I looked at my Casio to check the date. November, thirteenth, nineteen ninety three. "Oh shit!" I got up in a jump, swallowed some Advil for my headache and went straight to the bathroom. My clothes were there, hanging in the tub. I wondered what happened but I didn't have time for that. We were opening for Nirvana. I didn't want us to be late. I got dressed, I gargled some mouthwash and left to pick my stuff on the room. My cigarettes pack, my guitar and my jacket. I opened my pack on my way out to take a cigarette, I didn't have any left. "Fuck me, Jesus!". I threw the pack on the ground as I was leaving but I came back to pick it up. Damn me, I can't stop being an environmentalist for a second. Kris and Jackie were waiting for me on the hall.

"Tell me you have cigs for fuck sake." I yelled getting close to them.
"And coffee." Jackie said handing me a pack and a cup of coffee.
"What would I do without you, my guardian angel." I said kissing her on the mouth passing through them heading for our van. I know they eyed each other in confusion. "Come on, bitches! The road is waiting!" I yelled without looking back. They both got by my side quickly and we ran for the van. Kristen was driving. She was an amazing driver. Jackie was awful. She always forgot the rules and we got fined once because of her. I was an ok driver but I always had too much going on my mind to waste it on driving. I would forget everything when the time to stop would come. Besides I didn't like to speed up that much. I may be reckless at times, but I didn't want to die on a car crash. What a lame way to die.

"So... What went down in Buffalo, last night?" I asked while getting a drag on my cigarette.
"What is the last thing you remember?" Kristen asked while stopping on the red light.
"Us in a party, doing some shots and smoking weed."
"Oh so you remember nothing. As usual." Jackie said laughing. "You don't remember taking a pill and getting wild on the dance floor undressing yourself?"
"No! I did what?" I said in shock. I mean, I wasn't really in shock to be honest. "Did I get naked?"
"You stayed with your panties on." Kristen said.
"Oh, fuck!"
"Wait. There's more. A guy started grabbing your tits and you punched him so hard in the stomach he puked all over your clothes that were on the floor." Jackie said laughing.
"Oh! That explains my clothes hanging in the bathroom." I laughed.
"You made out with a girl too." Jackie said.
"Uh..." I said smirking.
"Yeah you were crazy last night. I don't even know how you managed to clean your clothes." Kristen said.
"I don't remember doing that either." I said and paused for a minute. "So... Are you ready for today?" I asked.
"Aren't you?" Jackie asked with suspicion in her eyes.
"Oh fuck yeah, I am! I'm just... Nervous I guess..."
"You? Nervous? Oh-oh, something's not alright... Is it because it's Nirvana?" Kristen said smirking. That bitch loves to tease me.
"Stop!" I said giggling nervously. "I'm just waking up that must be it." And as I said that I looked over the window showing I was getting inside my head so they knew I wasn't going to listen to them anymore. I was just thinking how this was really happening. Us. Three girls from Olympia, a band called Purgatory, is opening for Nirvana! Fucking Nirvana! I don't even know how we got this in the first place! I know John, our friend and manager, was trying to make a deal with DGC for them to see us live. Maybe this is the deal. I just can't believe I'm going to meet them! They're such an inspiration since the first days when I saw them in a record store playing before they were NIRVANA. Oh man, what a dream.

We arrived early. Kristen has a heavy foot I must say. We got our stuff out of the van and went inside. The stage was all set up already. We went to the backstage area to look for John.

"Hey, dickhead!" I yelled to John when I saw his back. He was talking to someone but I couldn't see who. He turned around and who he was talking to? None other than Kurt Cobain.
"Hey, y/n! You arrived early!" He said waiting for us to get to him. "I was here talking to Kurt. Kurt these are Purgatory. Y/n, Kristen and Jackie."
"Hi!" Kurt said raising his hand. "John here was talking wonders about you."
"John, you know we don't get enough money to offer you a raise, right?" I said. Everyone laughed but I didn't think I was funny at all. But I tried.
"You wanna chill a bit with us before the show?" Kurt asked.
"Sure!" I said.

Kurt started walking inside a room. Kristen held my arm and I looked at her. "Don't try so hard." She said smirking. "I'm not!" I yelled like a little baby. We followed Kurt into the room and our eyes met Dave and Krist.

"Guys, these are Purgatory. Y/n, Kristen and Jackie."
"Hi!" We all said at the same time and everyone laughed.
"Want a beer?" Dave asked.
"Never ask twice!" I said.

Jackie sat next to Dave, Kristen next to Krist and I kept standing. The space next to Kurt was too small and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He was a married man after all and his wife was scary.

"You can sit here. There's room for two." Kurt said. I hesitated but accepted. "So, you're from Olympia right?"
"We started there too. It's an interesting environment."
"You bet! I describe it as «Salty sweat, sour tears, rotten soil of youth years»." I said proudly but nervously. Kurt thought for a moment.
"It paints the picture."

We sat in silence for a moment while Dave, Krist, oJackie and Kristen where talking. They seemed to be getting along.

"Y'smoke?" Kurt asked pointing a cigarette to me.
"Thanks." I grabbed the cigarette and he lighted his and moved the lighter in my direction showing he wanted to light mine. I nodded thanking him a dragged on the poison.
"Are you nervous for tonight?" Kurt asked.
"Not that much."
"So what are you nervous for?"

"What do you mean?"
"You've been rubbing that ring of yours. I can see you're nervous." Kurt said pointing at my finger. Shit, he was observant.
"I don't know... It's unknown territory for us to open for a band."
"Would you like to show me what you're playing tonight?" He asked.
"Like, now?"
"Yeah! Come." He said getting up and walking out of the room. I followed.

Hey, loves! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It's not for the faint of heart what I intend to write here so proceed with caution!
With love,

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