Chapter 2: Meeting Luna

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Me and Misty have been quite good friends now, we have lived by each other for a few weeks. "Come on Misty, let go see if anyone's here!" I said. "Alright, Alright let's go." we run into the forest and see a girl. I use my Charmspeak and ask her some questions. Her name is Luna and she is part wolf. I HATE wolfs. They are so mean and stuck up. "Please let me join you" she asked me and Misty said at the same time "No" "Please!! I have no were to live, my pack was killed by hunters!" I said "Fine. I'll give you a chance. Well have lunch at my place to talk come on!! " When we got to my house Misty said "Wow..." and Luna's mouth dropped open. I guess my house is a mouth dropping place. Sure I lived in a tree but my house is Amazing !! I Have Nice Hard wood floors and dark wood walls and leave windows. I also have plumbing. We chatted on my blacony and for once I didn't fell lonely! Luna had some hot coca, Misty had nothing; She was not thirsty, But I had Some Coffee. I really wanted Luna to stay so I said,"There is a tree over there that you can live in." Luna smiled and said "Ok but will it be like your house?!" "No, Sorry this is the only tree like this." Just then I remembered the thing the old man said


The Old man said "Thee Blood of three will save the three, and then one will be three"

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