Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:

" I know he seems like a hero, I thought he was too! But he's just as bad as Voldemort is- was! Was because Voldemort doesn't exist anymore Harry, you don't have to worry about Tom, he has no vicious plans. He just wants to live here, in Hogwarts like a normal student but he can't if Dumbledore is still trying to kill him"

I picked my words carefully, I tried my hardest to sympathise with him and lay it all out slowly, I haven't slept since I've got here, I feel as if I can't, I expected him notice my determination and react much differently than he did...

His night stand is now upside on the floor after a forceful flip of it by Harry.

" are you kidding me y/n?!" He shouts.

" Tom Riddle, Tom bloody Riddle! He hurt Ginny! And you're saying he's not Voldemort? They're the EXACT same, it doesn't matter if he does have a nose, if he's ugly or not - he is still. The. Same. Person"

" with the same plans!" He shouts again, he won't stop yelling at me.

" I know it sounds crazy, do you think I accepted this task to fall in love with him?! Because I didn't!"

" in love" he mutters like I'm insane teen girl who's desperate for romance when I'm older than him with more experience.

" he can't feel love y/n! He was conceived under a-"

" I know!" I interrupt him.

" I know everything that you do! But Dumbledore said I'm the only one who-"

" who he can end up loving? That's bullshit y/n, he probably lied to you about that just to make you go!" He says hot headed.

" he didn't! I was reluctant at first, I didn't think it could be true but now I know that it is!"

" how?!" He says while clutching his head both his hands like he's losing it.

" because I can-" I go to say, I think of acts of service that Tom has done to prove his loves me.

But then I remember that there isn't any.

What can I say? He does because he didn't kill me?

" well?!" He says waiting.

" he told me does... he's not used to it but I know he's -"

" how can you be so naive? You went there to stop him, to come back and be a hero like Dumbledore yet you've somehow caused much more trouble!"

" Harry, Dumbledore-"

Harry's nose flares up, he got out of bed ages ago after my confession, stomping around the room. He turns to me and points his finger right at my face.

" don't you dare blame him for anything else! Have you seen the way he protects me? He's the most caring human ever"

I roll my eyes, " protects you, before this task, he never even bothered with me! He doesn't care for us Slytherins, therefore he's not the most caring person ever"

" but he is the smartest, he's so smart, he knows that you won't believe me Harry, but you must, Tom and I are in danger, other students could be too if Dumbledore kills them while framing Tom" I explain.

But he's not budging.

He takes a deep breath and chugs some water, " I don't get it... we're suppose to be friends and you've done the best betrayal" he laughs like he's disappointed.

" We are friends! Friends help each other, that's why I'm here, I'm begging for your help"

" for my help or for my forgiveness?" He asks.

I pause, " if you don't want to be my friend anymore then so be it"

" but I am begging you for help for the last time, I need people on my side... Once it's proven that I'm right and Dumbledore is sickening, you still don't even have to acknowledge me"

Harry looks at me like he almost wants to help, like he wishes it was someone else asking for help.

" is there anything else I should be aware of?" He asks.

" on my way here, I saw me, I saw me with Hermione and the twins but it wasn't me"

" a clone" he says under his breath.

" of course, you couldn't have been here and there" he says like he's annoyed it didn't click first.

" exactly, Dumbledore said I'd have a clone to keep yous all from knowing... at first, I don't know why I just thought it was logical but now, why do you think he didn't want me telling my friends?"

Harry still choses not to agree with me but I can see it on his stricken face that he might inside.

" so what, your clone is still here?"

" yes"

" maybe, it'll disappear soon, maybe it's set to be here for longer because you completed the task too soon"

" no it's not, I know Dumbledore is behind this" I say.

Harry yawns, not on purpose though.

" let's talk tomorrow" he says.

I don't feel reassured by his answer, I partly think he's going to tell Hermione and the Weasley's that I'm crazy. But all I can do is hope that he doesn't on, and in the meantime, leave him be.


When I walk back to my dorm, Tom isn't there.

" Tom? Tom?" I say worried.

I call out his name multiple times before he emerges out of my closet with a pink, fluffy book in his hand, he glares at me as I groan.

" It was the start of 5th year, it was nothing"

He raises his eyebrows like he disagrees, then he reopens my past diary and starts reading form one of the pages.

" I never thought that this would come true, I shared my first kiss with George and it was magnificent, I had butterflies the whole time. I was worried, since I've lived with the Weasley's forever that he would see me as a sister but turns out, we both feel the same for each other"

" why does this matter? I'm with you now" I whisper.

" because y/n" he says through gritted teeth, he tosses my diary across the room and walks closer to me.

" you're the first person whom I desire but you can't say the same about me"

" so excuse me for missing my own timeline" he says as he runs his thumb across my jaw.

I don't realise a tear has fallen from my eye until I taste the saltiness when I lick my dry lips.

" well if you miss it so much, why don't you go back?" I bravely say but I don't sound brave, my whisper like voice is shaky and constant but silent tears are escaping my tired, sleep deprived eyes.

Tom leans closer to me, his hand holds me just below my waist and I think he's going to kiss me.

But instead of reaching for my lips, I hear the jingle from his fingers when he reaches the time - turner from my pockets.

A Pile Of Passion ( Tom Riddle x Reader ) Where stories live. Discover now