Wei Wuxian's Guide To Getting Your Brother A Date

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Wei Wuxian and Jin Rulan try to find Jiang Wanyin a partner 

Jin Rulan = Jin Ling

Wei Wuxian = Wei Ying

Lan Wangji = Lan Zhan

Lan Xichen = Lan Huan

Jiang Wanyin = Jiang Cheng

Word count: 2640


The sun was high in the sky, beaming light over Cloud Recesses. The trees were full as summer had come. Many Lan disciples were out about training, but the natural tranquility was never disturbed. In the Jingshi sat two people sitting next to each other at a table. Another dressed in yellow-gold robes, a large white peony on the front, and a vermillion mark between their eyebrows was pacing. The one at the table, dressed in black robes with red detailing, had taken amusement in the state of the other. While the one dressed in pristine white robes with a cloud-detailed forehead ribbon sat at the table, their stoic expression never wavering. The young master in the yellow-gold robes: Jin Rulan, had come to Cloud Recesses to complain about his uncle to his other uncle. His uncle being YungmengJiang Sect Leader: Jiang Wanyin, and his other uncle being the past Yinling Patriarch: Wei Wuxian. The one in red, Wei Wuxian, was stifling back a laugh at the frustrated state of the now LanlingJin sect leader. Said sect leader had come to Cloud Recesses to express his frustration about anything pertaining to Jiang Wanyin.

Speeding up, giving out a loud sigh of irritation, he proclaimed: "He raised me to become a sect leader, but the moment I do, he looks at me like that!" He tossed his hands in the air to add dramatics. Every time he goes to Lotus Pier to visit his uncle, he receives the same lonely look in Jiang Wanyin's eyes when he leaves. "I finally do what he tells me, and this is the most disappointed I've seen him!" Wei Wuxian had lost it; his laughter filled the Jingshi, disturbing the prior tranquility of Cloud Recesses. The one sitting next to him, Lan Wangji, patted his back to calm him down. He finally calmed down, turning his gaze to meet Jin Rulan's irritated expression. Wei Wuxian almost went into another fit of laughter with how much his nephew's face resembled his brother's. Jin Rulan continued his rant, "It's like he needs som-" He cut himself off, realization shining on his face. He rushed to sit at the table across from his uncle and uncle-in-law. Wei Wuxian was shocked at how quickly his nephew's expression changed. "It's as if he needs someone," Jin Rulan finished his statement. It looked as if he had stars in his eyes from the idea. The man across from him looked at him, not understanding what he meant. Jin Rulan rolled his eyes at the lost look on his uncle's face. "As in, he needs a partner," he sighed. Gaining the same reaction, he added, "a lover!" Suddenly Wei Wuxian understood.

"Yes! Yes!" Wei Wuixian's eyes shone in excitement at his nephew's idea. Jin Rualn regained his excitement with his uncle finally understanding. He began to think about possible partners for his brother before remembering something. Jin Rulan saw his uncle's smile widen as if he thought of something life-changing. He was feeling a bit impatient, waiting for Wei Wuxian to tell him of his scheme. Wei Wuxian turned to his nephew, "I have the perfect person!" He said with great confidence that Jin Rulan was a bit taken aback at who this perfect person could be. He raised an eyebrow expecting his uncle to continue. "Ah! Years ago, Jiang Cheng told me of this person he liked," he said. He didn't elaborate on who this person was, so Jin Rulan waited for him to continue. "Oh, I don't think he ever told me their name!" The LanlingJin sect leader wanted to slap him for the confidence he put in the statement. He gave Wei Wuxian a dark glare making Wei Wuxian's smile fade. His smile only reappeared when another thought came to him. "But, I do think we could figure it out!" He proclaimed, his confidence never wavering.

"And how do you think we could figure it out?" Jin Rulan was getting annoyed with the suspense. Wei Wuxian noticed this and put on a false pondering face, then acted as if he realized something. "Will you just get on with it!" The young sect leader slammed his fist on the table. He was near ready to leave his crazy uncle.

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