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Yeah not like me! But todays hasnt been great.

So I woke up at half eight even tho I was meant to be at school in ten minds( I made it just in time) yeah form was boring I got shouted at by chavs:| then first period was alright. Then I had break and I went to get my apple and elderflower drink it was very nice:)) then 2nd was woodwork and ayy it was alright 3rd was science but I actually hate it sm like ajfjejf! Then dinner I got my apple and elderflower again but when I got to the corner I stay in I wanted the can tab if my friends can because I'm collecting them so I asked my friend to hold my drink after I got the tab I got my drink back but the second I did it got knocked out of my hand and then my other friend had the audacity to step on it! So I got really annoyed and walked of into a corner next to a bin and cried but like a bunch of people came near me asking if I'm alright and I just stood there like- then the boy who knocked it out my hand kept apologising ik he didn't mean it but my friend did :| then the boy asked for a fust bomb so I gave him one lol. Uh yeah then both of them said they'd get me another one tomorrow so:p slayy! Uh then 4th I had maths and I didn't understand anything it was so bad! But uh yeah then as soon as I packed up the fire alarm went off like- Brooo so I went onto wjere we have to line up and I'm annoyed but as soon as it was time the bell rang we got to go:)) then uh I went to the park and my crush was there but I hadn't seen him all day so I'm like ahhh! Then after that I went to the busstop woth my friend waiting for his bus:) after they left i went home and complained I was hungry then my mum went maccies with me and I got a happy meal :) then I got a massive bee Teddy froma charity shop slayyyy! Then I went to sainsburys with my dad and I wanted this pride hoodie so bad but my dad wouldn't let me so I got in a mood:| but then I started reading IT by Stephen King on my mums kindle and yh its quite confusing but okay! Then me and my sister Decided to tide our room so now its clean:)

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