I love you ❤️

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Emily : Piper you kissed him !
Piper : I know and I'm sorry I just thought that something was going on with you and Ellie and I just got jealous and I
Emily : so you did this on purpose ?
Piper : no Em I didn't mean it like that , please em can we just talk about this and maybe we could go out and sort this out
Emily : I can't talk to you right now
Piper : Emily
(Emily walks off)
(Eliana goes over to Emily)
Eliana : you ok ?
Emily : yeah I just thought she loved me
Eliana : she does Emily , don't throw away a perfect relationship that you have , I'm pretty sure it was Gavin who kissed Piper , she probably doesn't even like him anymore , she loves you Emily , so go talk to her
Emily : ok
(Emily goes to talk to Piper)
Emily : hey
Piper : hey
Emily : I'm sorry for how I reacted
Piper : no it's my fault , we shouldn't of kissed
Emily : I love you piper and I don't want to lose you , you mean everything to me
Piper : I love you too so much
Emily : which is why I think we should get away from here for a bit
Piper : and go where ?
Emily : I booked us tickets to go to Mexico for a week , just us two and we can make our relationship stronger
Piper : ok sure I can't wait to be alone with you
(Emily smiles)
Emily : we will get a taxi in the morning , I'll pick you up tomorrow morning
Piper : yeah
Emily : see you tomorrow, love you
(Emily kisses Piper)
Piper : I love you too
(Piper starts packing her suitcase , but she's having doubts about going)
Closing titles

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