moving away

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Emily gets a letter from her mum saying that she is moving to Canada and wants Emily to go with her so the family can reconnect , Emily does not know what to do
Emily : hey Ellie
Eliana : hey Emily what's up ?
Emily : I just got a letter from my mum she said that the family is moving to Canada and she wants me to go with them
Eliana : omg that's massive have you told piper ?
Emily : no not yet I don't know what I'm gonna do yet
Eliana : well I think you should tell piper she will understand
Emily : but we've just started dating and now I'm gonna have to leave
Eliana : just talk to her
Emily : ok
Emily sits down near piper
Piper : hey em
Emily : hey pipes
Piper kisses Emily's head and Emily kinda pushes away
Piper : em are you ok ?
Emily : not really no
Piper : why what's wrong ?
Emily : ok so my mum sent me a letter saying that the family is moving to Canada and she wants me to go with them
Piper : oh right
Pipers face drops
piper : are you gonna go ?
Emily : I haven't decided yet
Piper : well whatever you decide I'm here for you
Emily : thanks
Emily leans on piper
a few hours later
Emily goes upstairs to piper
Piper : hey you ok ?
Emily : I don't know what I'm gonna do
Piper : Emily do what you want to do
Emily : what so you don't even care ?
Piper : what ? , what are you talking about of course I care
Emily : because all day you haven't been convincing me to stay you've just been pushing me away
Piper : come on that's not true
Emily : do you even love me ?
Piper : yea of course I do Emily
Emily : then what do you want me to do ?
Piper : I don't know you should do what's best for you
Emily : right
Emily starts to pack her suitcase
Piper : what are you doing ?
Emily : well I obviously mean nothing to you so I might as well leave
Piper : emily I do care about you I'm just trying to do what's going to be best for you not me
Emily : well I've made up my mind im going !
Piper : Emily wait
Emily goes downstairs
Piper puts her head in her hands
Eliana : Emily what are you doing ?
Emily : im going
Eliana : wait what
Emily : im sorry my flight leaves tomorrow so im gonna go pack the rest of my stuff
Eliana : im gonna miss you
Emily : I'll miss you too
Eliana and Emily hug
Emily leaves
Piper runs downstairs
Piper : has she gone ?
Eliana : she's gone to pack her bag her flight leaves tomorrow
Piper : right
Eliana : piper are you ok ?
Piper : yeah im fine
Piper runs upstairs and starts to cry
Piper POV : why didn't I just tell her that I wanted her to stay , im a terrible person and now it's too late
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