Chapter Two: Shattering Hearts

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3rd POV:

As the four practiced the song once more, they became more and more exhausted. They realized they need to practice more and decided to ask the teachers if they could use an extra classroom to practice. The plan was to wait until tomorrow, but Jake was so excited about it that he just called that night. The Janitor, Mr Kiel, answered the phone and told them it was fine and gave them the details of the room they can use. The Janitor even took some extra instruments from the Music Club room that they needed and moved it up there for them.

Jake decided it was best for the group to go to sleep now. They can practice during lunch and music tomorrow, as the music teacher lets the band competition students practice privately each day anyways.

Jake, Henry, and Drew had already fallen asleep. However, Liam just couldn't. He didn't know why but he just couldn't sleep. He decided that he should get some water from downstairs to clear his mind. He walked downstairs and to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and watches the water slowly cascade into it. He takes a sip and sighs.

"Whatcha sighing for?" Henry, who appeared out of nowhere, asked.

"Holy sh** Henry, you're going to give me a heart attack!" Liam whisper-yelled back.

The two went back and fourth about why they were up and what they were doing, and they just decided to sit in the living room until they were tired enough to sleep. Turns out Henry just wanted to cuddle with Liam and pretended to fall asleep while holding on to him.

They ended up both falling asleep on that couch that night.

The next morning, Jake woke up to just Drew, Henry and Liam were still down in the living room. Jake got up and decided the best thing to do was wake up Drew.

"Heyyy Drew. It's time for school."

Drew opened his eyes and looked at the clock.

"We don't have school for another hour and thirty minutes! Why are you up so early?"

"Wellll sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep, princess." Jake says this with sarcastic tone, winking after saying princess. Drew just looked back unamused. "I am just used to getting up this early, okay? Can we go make breakfast? I'm hungry."

Drew chuckled at that last part, "I guess, just let me wake up first."

After around five minutes, Drew and Jake were walking down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. On the way, they saw Henry and Liam cuddling and snapped a picture. 'Good for blackmail.' Drew thought. They decided to make pancakes, because that's Jakes favorite breakfast and they are going through all of this for him.

After they all ate, Henry forced them to watch a few episodes of MHA with him. Liam looked like this was an everyday thing, probably because of how much time he spends with Henry. After a few episodes, Jake looked at the clock and realized there was only ten minutes until school started, so Jake rushed them all out of the house and they ended up racing to school. Jake got first, Drew got second, and Henry ended up riding on Liam's back so I guess that those two tied for third.

At Lunch, the Jomies ate as fast as they could and started walking to the room they were given. Drew had went to find the closest bathroom once they had found the classroom, and the other three got everything put where they wanted it to be.

Drew's POV:

As I look in the mirror, I get distracted. I don't know why but I find them so fascinating. I was in what felt like a trance until I heard a familiar feminine voice. I could recognize it anywhere, that's my girlfriend, Zoey. I leaned against the wall in a position that she couldn't see after I saw she was in the phone and started listening.

"Yeah.. Mhm.. oooo!... I'd like that, babe!... At your place?...Sure...Drew?..
He's basically my sugar daddy, babe. You're my number one!...See you then, Sugarcube! I love you."

Hearing those words come out of my own girlfriends mouth when she isn't talking to me just hurt my heart. She only used me for money. I'm just a walking wallet to her. Our relationship meant nothing.

"Okay who's there? Behind the wall, I know you're eavesdropping. Look, if you even think about telling Drew, then I'll tell everyone you slept with a teacher, got it? Come on out~"

I came out as cued, and her sly smile went to a frightened and guilty one.

"Drewy Bear! Funny seeing you here. You know that was all a joke! Of course right?"

I walked closer to her to the point where I was less then two feet away.

"See Drew it was all-"

I slapped her across the face. The guilty smile turned into an angered frown.

"If that was a joke, than so was our relationship." I spoke with venom on my tongue as she shivered in fear.

"You better give me back all those clothes, all those earrings, all those necklaces, all those bracelets, everything. If not, I'm telling everyone you're a gold digger and you'll never find someone who truly cares about you, got that, Zoey?" I spoke loudly and confidently. I knew this day was coming, you could say I've been waiting for it.

Zoey still retaliated. "They wouldn't believe you! You have no proof!"

I grabbed her shoulder with one hand and held up my phone to show I was recording the whole thing with the other.

"As if the way you act isn't enough proof, I have video and audio evidence of your whole conversation with your 'boyfriend' and this one. I suggest not objecting to the situation and to obligate instead, gold digging b*tch." Her face ammediately went to a mix of fear and guilt as she gulped.

"I better have all of it by next week, Zoey~" I taunted as I walked passed her, leaving her too stunned to move. I then walked back to the practice room.

3rd POV:

As Drew walked into the room, all attention went to him. He was gone for a solid ten minutes in the bathroom, what do you think they'll have in their heads?

"I broke up with her." Drew said it, proud of himself. The other three cheered for him because he has been wanting to do that for over six months now, he just hasn't had an opportunity to.

Jake told everyone that they can celebrate that later and they should practice now if they want to be ready for the competition. Jake had been getting some deja vu and has realized that there has been some times where he has acted like Hailey, but he didn't care anymore. He didn't care about the Music Club. These guys accept him and won't leave him that easy, these guys are his real friends. He smiles and then starts to sing the lyrics that he and Drew put together.

As the words flowed out of Jakes mouth, Drew just admired him. He had always known that Jake loved to sing, he's happy that he's putting it to good use. Drew only had a few short parts for the violin, most of the time he was just standing there admiring Jake. Liam noticed this, he notices many things that have to do with romance that other people wouldn't pick up on as easy.

Liam knows for a fact that Drew likes Jake after all of the times he reacted in a jealous manor as Jake left the group to go rehearse with the Music Club.

The group had to stop practicing and go to their next period class, science. As the clock ticked by, it wasn't long before the group was back at Drew's again, practicing once again in the hopes that they'll have a chance to win in the competition.

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