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The tiger, know has the ruler of the Forest; was not always as strong as they are now. The story begins at the beginning when the world was figuring itself out. You, the tiger were young and full of life and potential. You lived out your youngest years on flower fruit mountain. The scenery of the oasis never failed to astonish all who witness it's beauty. Even though it may feel like it; beauty alone cannot full a empty stomach. So hunting you go to find a meal to subdue your hunger. While walking thought the thickest part of the forest uphill. You accidentally stumble upon a giant rock. The rock shakes until it splits revealing another rock. The rock in the middle was different it started to glow and staring at it hurt. So you looked away but the light only lasted for a moment before the sound of a monkey filled the air. You stomach grumbled then you realize this is the perfect chance to get some food. The chance was ruined when the monkey from the stone blasted lasers from his eyes immediately causing you to run away. Just has you think it couldn't get worse it starts raining. Dazed you attempt to find shelter. Successfully finding a cave you hide inside of it. There you stay for the night maybe in the morning you can find food.

Morning arrives and you feel like shit. Your spine is touching your stomach. In this condition you may go on a crazed hunt for food and end up eating something you not supposed to. Suddenly in what feels like a stroke of luck you see a injured duck. Nothing major no blood leaking out but there are a few broken bones; just a wing and a leg so it wouldn't be completely evil to eat it. You do need food and some other animal will just do the same thing. You're loss in thought it's not really A admirable thing for such a big creature like you to be eating a injured, defenseless, small creature like a duck. You thinking becomes a way smaller problem when a flash steals your food. Chasing after it for what seems a forever probably because you're tired, hungry and probably dehydrated. You stop right before stepping into a clearing. A black cat right in the middle of it begins talking to herself and then turns to the duck ( that she "stole"). The duck is frantically trying to scoot away from the feline when all of a sudden the ducks head is gone and the cat has it in her hand. "Why are you watching me" she side eyes you and  you black out.

Word count: 452

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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