Part 1. (Them.)

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Charlyn was walking by the campus while her best friend jumps on her back. "Geez! You scared me. I thought i was getting assasinated!" Her best friend Smokey laughed and responded "Oh cmon! You always get scared for some reason. Scaredy cat~"She kisses Charlyn's cheek. Charlyn turned bright red and flusteredly got mad at her. Smokey(Charlyn's best friend) Reminded her "Idiot! Class starts in 5 minutes. We better hurry or we'll get detention. Again!" Charlyn responded "Ok ok lets go then." They run to the classroo and sat down. The teacher announced that there will be 2 new students in their class. The first one starts to introduce herself "Hello. My name's Gabby. I'm 18 years old. And i "hope" we all get along."
The 2nd student starts to introduce herself aswell. "Hello! My name's Nevaeh. I'm 19 years old and..i hope we all get along." She smiles. Both of them sit next to Charlyn. Nevaeh starts talking to her "Heyy! I kept my eye on you for really stand out." Charlyn blushes and is about to respond while a guy disturbs her. "Hey new girls. I see y'all are really pretty" he winks. "Can i get your numbers?" Charlyn disturbs him back and says "Oh Alex. Maybe I could give you their numbers." Alex responds "Oh yeah? Kinda suprised you have them. Dumbass" He laughs at her.  Charlyn responds back "Yeah man their numbers are. 43134, oh sorry i think you're to much of a Dickhead to understand. Let me translate for you. Fuck you, you cunt, you can't get a girl's number and can't even trade your dickhead to a normal head." Everyone laughs as Alex gets embarrassed. Nevaeh smiles at Charlyn and responds "I told you. You really stand out. Thats very attractive." Gabby disturbs Nevaeh and asks "Hey. Do you read GL?" Charlyn responds back "Yeah! I lovee GL!" Smokey pats Charlyn's shoulder and says "Lynn!! You're ignoring me" she pouts. "It's not my fault these two girls keep talking to me!" The bell rings and class is dismissed. They go to their dorms and suprised that Nevaeh,Gabby and Blake are in the dorm "Huh why are you guys in our dorm?" Nevaeh responded "I don't know." Smokey told Charlyn "Father said we need to share dorms we these people" Charlyn responded "Awh man..Well i'm gonna get changed." She goes in her room and stard to get changed. Gabby opened the door and Charlyn screamed "Can't you knock first!?" She starts to cover her body. "I-I'm sorry!" Charlyn slams the door close flusteredly and locks it. "Geez..these girls won't stop bugging me. Even my own best friend! I don't even know if i could handle this..

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