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Drools are pooling in my mouth. I should have never drink last night. El should've stop me last night. I shouldn't even go to the damn party. Angel's party is always full of alcohol. If it wasn't for Adam I wouldn't even go. Now I have to bear this pounding headache. But I still managed to get his number.

I sit on my bed, still feeling dizzy. "Lisa! Lisa! Look what I can do with my tongue!" Jason, my little brother, kicked open the door. "Oh my god, I don't care." I replied, throwing my pillow (which still have some drools on it) to him. "Bet you can't do it." He said, twisting his tongue. "You look ugly." A smirk plastered on my face. "Melissa, that's not how you talk to your brother." My mom yelled from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes, "Get out now," I said, ushering the 4 year old out of my room and slamming the door, then winced at the loud noise. I drink some water and took a shower.

After showering, I found El on my bed holding my Harry Styles poster. I ran to her and snatch it away from her hands, "Don't touch him! Oh my god baby are you okay." I put him back on my nightstand where I stare at him everyday before I go to sleep. I'm not creepy at all. "Did you kiss him?" I look back at El, watching her tilting her head back, laughing. "Yes." She breathed. "You know, you don't just go and kiss your best friend's future husband poster. That's truly sick, El. You should feel ashamed." I rant.

"Whatever. I didn't kiss him. I was hoping to see you naked when you walk out of the bathroom." She said dissapointly. "I'm sorry babe, I'll only turn lesbian if you're Rihanna." I put on my sweater and jeans and plop next to her on the bed. "How did we get home last night?" I asked, she lay down next to me. Both of us staring at the painting on my ceiling that we did together 3 years ago. We were trying to draw stars but ended up making it look like popcorns on my ceiling. "Well, you were really drunk, that you slipped and fell face first on the floor. In front of Bryan." She laughed. "No way!" I gasp. She hummed, "But you got up and slap him in the face. For no reason." I rolled my eyes, "He cheated on me, he deserved that." I defend. "That was 5 months ago." El scoffed. "But yeah, he still cheated on you ." She got up, "Ice cream?" A grin forming on her pretty face.


"Lis?" I look up to El, scooping more of the mint chocolate chip ice cream in the cup. "What?" I replied, "We're going to college in another 6 months." She stated. "Don't remind me, El." I furrowed my eyebrows, "Don't remind me anything about growing up. I'm eleven shut up." I'm giving her the death stare now. She let out a groan, "I'm serious, I keep thinking about it." She pouts. "You know I can't survive alone. Not in college. I'm super awkward. I'm more awkward than Harry trying to tell a story." She looks at me with wide eyes. She's super nice and understanding. It's impossible for someone not to be friends with her. I'm very lucky that she choose to be by my side all these years. Me, Melissa Parker, the rudest, cruelest girl and Eleanor Jane the awkward sweetheart. People can't believe our friendship, but the difference makes us stronger.

"First of all, don't insult Harry. His awkwardness is cute." I started, "And why don't we go the same college together? We're inseparable." I shrugged. "And you're pretty and stuff. You'll survive." She sighed, "I'm not you. You're loud and fun. And confident. And not shy. I can't even hold eye contact for 10 seconds." I laughed, "Thanks babe. But trust me, I'm not going anywhere without you."


ohhh first chapter is up. i dont rlly know where this story is going but i have some ideas so KETCHUP (get it? ) im so lame im going bYE. the pic is the harry poster

songs for this chapter is : Safe and Sound (Taylor Swift)

I'm Only Me When I'm With You (ts also bcus she rocks)

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