twenty two

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Zarah stood inside the commander's office, she blocked out the woman's voice as she talked about her mission. There was only one thing she could think of. Alex Rider. who was sitting a few rooms from her probably getting tortured. Or if he was lucky he was dead.

It hadn't even been twenty-four hours yet she felt so... she didn't know how she felt for sure but a part of her felt like a piece of her was missing. Her stomach would hurt whenever she thought of the blond head of hair.

Durning prom she knew it didn't feel right but she thought it would feel better when she was done with her mission when she was back at base. But instead, she wanted to scream, she wanted to shout, she wanted to go back to not feeling anything.

This was her first time seeing the Commander in months but she couldn't say she missed her. The exact opposite, she wanted to get as far away as she could from the woman.

She missed school, she missed the freedom, she missed George and his stupid flowers, and the ugly little fish Zalex. and she knew she would never get it back, she had always known, but it still hurt.

"Once again, good job 001, without your input we wouldn't have found MI6's new recruits or base. I can tell you that I'm proud." The woman stood up from her desk and walked toward her.

Zarah just looked down, she knew she should be happy to make the commander proud, she doubted the words had ever come out of her mouth before or ever would again but she just stared at the floor.

Before either of the pair could say anything the door busted open and the general walked through in a black suit, his natural scowl more prominent "Commander." The General spoke but there was an edge to his voice.

"General." Her face showed her annoyance "What can I do for you?"

"I came to talk about the boy, Rider." The general sat on her desk "He still isn't talking and I don't think he plans to anytime soon. I think we should just get this over with and eliminate him."

Zarah had to say she was surprised, she didn't think that Alex would last that long. He was definitely stronger than he looked, but he wouldn't have to have been strong if it wasn't for what she did.

'It was all business' she kept telling herself, repeating it over and over again, but it didn't make her feel any better. After a while the sentence formed into 'it was all her fault' and she was going to have to live with what she did.

"Were going to get him to talk, whether it be today, tomorrow, or the next, and if I have to cut off a finger or two then so be it, but Rider will talk." Her voice was sharp.

"Do you want to know what I think?" The General asked as he leaned forward.

The Commander tapped her heel against the ground in annoyance "If I had wanted to know what you thought I would have asked you but I didn't."

"I think by not killing the boy it makes you look weak Bianca. And I'm not the only one who thinks so."

She could feel the tension in the room grow even thicker, she thought the commander was going to take out a gun and shoot the man but instead, in a calm, steady voice the commander said "Go to your quarters 001, you will get directions from there."

Zarah didn't argue, she practically ran out of the office. When she got out into the hall there was a guard standing outside already waiting for her. The base they were at was a new one they had put down in the last week an hour outside of London.

The guard had brought her to her new quarters, she pushed open the door and had to use all of her self-control to not walk back out of it. It looked exactly like her old room, back in America. Nothing but a bed, a door, and three white walls.

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