Happy Birthday Matt

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11:57 pm on 8th June...

Dom is wide awake despite it being so late. Why is he awake? Simple. It's Matt's birthday and he doesn't want to miss it.

Dom's P.O.V:
I smiled to myself as I looked over at Matt sleeping peacefully beside me. Yeah, I know what you're thinking... "Yes! They're finally together!"

Well, unfortunately, you'd be wrong about that... But hey. It's not all bad though. That was partly why I was awake so late at night.

I was awake for a couple of reasons... Number one: it was my best friend's birthday and I didn't want to miss it. And number two: as a sort of early present, I wanted to finally ask Matt if he'd be my boyfriend.

Yeah, I know... "Took you long enough...! Blah blah blah..."

Look, the only reason I never asked him before now is that I was scared that he wouldn't feel the same way... But I finally got up the courage to ask him so... We'll see how it goes...

11:59 pm

I took a nervous breath in as I glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table. Less than a minute left...

That's when I suddenly felt Matt shift beside me. I smiled slightly as he ended up cuddled against my side with his head resting on my chest.

Suddenly, my watch started beeping. I cursed silently, forgetting that I'd set an alarm for midnight. I quickly shut it off, smiling slightly as I gently started playing with Matt's hair.

"Wakey, wakey sleepyhead..." I murmured softly. "

"Hmm?" Matt yawned and slowly opened his eyes. My stomach flipped as he gazed at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. Man... I could get lost in those eyes forever...

I quickly glanced away, a faint blush making my ears and neck burn. Matt giggled and stretched a little.

"Why'd you wake me up?" He yawned, running a hand through his hair which was currently dyed bright blue and was sticking up every which way.

"Oh no reason..." I smirked playfully as a pout played across his lips.

"Seriously, Dominic?" He muttered. I rolled my eyes in response.

"It's your birthday, dumbass!" I replied, laughing a little.

"So?" Came his response. "Was it really necessary to wake me up at-" he glanced at the clock on the bedside table. "-12:01 am?"

"Well actually...." I replied, stretching out on my back, smiling as Matt curled up beside me, looking at me with tired eyes. However, despite his tiredness, his eyes held a look of "ok. Tell me what's going on."

Inhaling deeply, I started playing with his hair again in an effort to calm my nerves slightly.

"I actually wanted to ask you something, Matthew..."

Matt sat up slightly, using his elbows to prop himself up as he gazed at me expectantly.


"Yeah..." I whispered, nervously biting my lip. "Cone on, Dom... It's now or never..." I told myself.

Matt frowned slightly as he kept his eyes on me. I could tell from the look on his face that he was worried by how I was acting.

I took a deep breath as I gently reached out and started to run my thumb over Matt's prominent cheekbone.

"Listen, Matt..." I began, gazing into his eyes. He kept looking at me expectantly. I'd noticed that he was leaning into my touch slightly. "I like you. A lot... As in... As in more than a friend... I... Have done for ages and I... I was wondering... If you'd be my boyfriend...?"

Squeezing my eyes shut right after my pitiful display, I didn't notice the massive smile break out on Matt's face. There was silence for a few moments which I took to mean that this hadn't been a good idea...

"Oh great..." The voice in my head started saying. "Great job, Dominic... You've completely blown your one chance of-"

Suddenly I felt movement beisde me and then... I felt Matt's lips gently brush against my own in a soft kiss.

My eyes flew open at this and I immediately kissed back. It was soft and sweet at first but it quickly became more passionate and desperate.

Soon I felt Matt's hands roaming all over my upper body as I found myself rolling on top of him, never once breaking the kiss.

Our heated makeout session lasted for a few minutes before I eventually pulled away for some air.

"So..." I panted breathlessly, gazing into his eyes lovingly. "Is that a yes to my question?"

"Obviously." Matt giggled playfully, grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me back down to kiss him again.

That night we made love for the first time. Afterwards we both fell asleep with massive smiles.

I hoped this had been a good enough start to Matt's birthday. It has certainly been one of the best nights of my life.

My biggest wish had finally come true and I couldn't be happier. Finally, I'd found my soulmate.

A/N: Yeah, I've recently rediscovered my love of the band MUSE. 'nough said really. Apologies if this is bad or whatever. I wanted to get it out on Matt's actual birthday so it was kinda rushed. And I haven't written any Fanfics in a while so please bear with me. Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed!

P.S: Sorry for not actually writing any smut. I'm not the most comfortable writing it.

Word count: 904

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