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The bell just rang meaning the first subject of the day is over... The rummaging sound started to be heard inside the classroom as the first year students began to arranged their stuffs off the desk.

The Literature teacher, Mako Hanabi, is still erasing the writings on the board while talking about something about the Final project everyone has to submit at the end of the second semester.

Well, for someone who doesn't enjoy studying, you might say, it's too early to give instruction about something the students will be submitting after 6 months of time.

That is the case for Atsumu Miya, a young boy who is famous for his looks, carefree personality, a varsity player, and a literal player (hooking up with both boys and girls). He got fake blonde hair, droopy golden brown eyes, adorable for some but for any others annoying smirk, and a nice built.

"Hey, Teach!" Atsumu smugly said raising his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Miya?" the teacher replied looking at the blonde's direction who us sitting at the back row of the classroom

"Why're discussing that right now? Isn't it the first day of classes? Willya give us some break?!" he blurted gaining chuckled from his best friend, Kuroo Tetsurou.

Kuroo has been close to the older Miya, did I mention Atsumu has a twin brother? Well, Kuroo got the same personality as Atsumu. He usually plays around and joke about everything. Both being big bullies, so Osamu despise hanging out with them. The younger Miya is in another course, doing his best to avoid being with the troublemakers as he called them.

"Ahm.. Let me just remind you, Mr. Miya, I'm your teacher, and you have no rights to tell me what to do. I decide what I want to discuss-" she tried explaining but was cut short by the blonde.

"But the bell rang already, Teach." Atsumu interrupted making the teacher slightly annoyed.

"Will you not interrupt me when I'm still speaking, Mr. Miya?!"

"Well, ya see Teach... Ye'r consuming the time we are supposed to be headin' out and enjoying the rest of the day..." he smugly commented and chuckled a little.

"I... I'm giving this instruction so you could work on it, prepare, and pass my subject!" the Mako angrily slammed the teacher's table with her palms.

Everyone in the room flinched with the tension (which is still fun for Atsumu as he continuously smirk during the entire conversation)

"Am I disturbing so much of your time, class?!?!" the teacher exclaimed loudly disappointed having a trouble in the first day of class.

Everyone looked down and shook their heads, while Atsumu just frowned.
"Come on ya guys... Arrg... Why would ya let her dictate ya? We have our rights to speak our thoughts ya know."

"MR. MIYA! I'M JUST ASKING FOR FEW MINUTES TO DISCUSS IT!" she snapped glaring at the student at the back smirking at her.

"Sensei." Her attention was caught by a voice coming from another student sitting in front.

"Y..Yes, Mr. Sakusa?" she spoke looking at the ravenhead, trying her best to sound calm as she address the other student.

"Why don't you discuss what needs to be discussed? I mean, he's disrespecting everyone's time, and you as well." Sakusa said, eyes fixed on the teacher.

Kiyoomi Sakusa has curly, raven black hair, and eyes. He wears eyeglasses since he is nearsighted due to his late night reading. He has two moles above his right eyebrow and he is 189cm in height

The teacher slowly calmed down and flashed a small smiled, finding someone who stand up for her.

"He's disturbing the class." Kiyoomi added.

"Like what?!" Atsumu gasped, acting so offended.

"If you didn't interrupt, the class is probably over two minutes ago.. If you just let sensei talk, no one would be held for this long." he continued addressing the fake blonde and turned his head to Atsumu's directions.


"Just so you know, perhaps it has to be given early cause it may be difficult or needs a lot of preparation to accomplish... So, if I were you I won't complain." Kiyoomi said making everyone think and agreed.

"Teach could have just given it tomorrow or the next... I mean it's just the first day! Aaarggg.. I hate that way of thinking, ya know!" Atsumu complained loudly

"I hate extension in classes, this class is supposed to last... wait... it should be just an hour... now it's 15 minutes late after the bell rang!" Atsumu gasped loudly as he rolled his left sleeve, staring at his watch

"If you hate staying... then, Sensei, why don't you let that scumbag leave the class, and continue what you have to disseminate for the final project?" he asked looking back in front.

"Well... I guess, you're right, Mr. Sakusa." she said more calmly this time.

Atsumu's smiled widened.
"Great! So, I could go then?" he asked.

"Go." the teacher replied bitterly.

"Thanks, Teach. Thanks, Nerdy." He greeted and picked up his bag. He slowly walked going out of the room through the back door, but eyes squinting over staring at the ravenhead in front who called him scumbag...

~To be Continued~

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