Chapter 6: Friendly Rivalry

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Warnings: Slight Angst! Alcohol Consumption! Talk of divorce! Fluff! (Let me know if I missed anything)

"something is different about you" Ben frowns as he stares over at you from his desk.

"hm?" you ask glancing up from your computer screen, seeing Ben's furrowed brows as he studied you.

"you're not freaking out, you're all calm and collected" Ben comments before leaning closer and whispering "you didn't sneak some drugs from evidence did you?"

Your eyes widen as you stare back at him shocked "why on earth would I do that?" you ask astounded.

"to take your mind off getting your sergeants exam results?" Ben says as if it was obvious, he leans back in his chair shaking his head "I'd expect you to be checking your emails every five minutes, or snacking on everything in sight, but you're not it's like you already know, wait do you already know?"

You chuckle gently "no I do not already know, and trust me I am freaking out just internally" you explain shaking your head.

"there's something else though, I know there is" Ben says pointing over at you with his pen.

"there isn't I promise, I guess I've just been too busy to worry about it" you shrug.

Ben looks back at you unconvinced and you didn't blame him, you could barely convince yourself. You'd expected to act in the exact same way that he had described, constantly trying to occupy yourself so time would go faster. But you hadn't. You had actually relaxed the past week or so, there was this weird sense of peace that you couldn't work out where it had come from.

Well actually you had a theory but you didn't dare give it any time or thought. The fact that you seemed completely calm and relaxed for the first time in months had absolutely nothing to do with Chris staying the night and sleeping on your couch. You weren't constantly thinking about how you found him the next morning, face all smushed into the pillow as he snored softly. The way his voice was all gravely and deep when he finally woke up, the sleepy smile on his face when he accepted the cup of coffee.

"hello?" Ben called out grabbing your attention "and she's back in the room" he smirked.

"what?" you ask frowning in confusion.

"you zoned out for a moment, you were having a serious movie like moment" Ben grinned as he chuckled at you "what were ya thinking about?"

You blink a couple of times, swallowing slightly as your mouth suddenly went dry as you tried to think of what to say "the exam results, so thank you for that" you supply, frowning slightly to sell it.

"whoops sorry" Ben winces slightly chuckling gently "but hey look as soon as you find out we" Ben says gesturing between the two of you "are going out to the nearest bar"

"I dunno Benny" you sigh slumping against your desk slightly.

"c'mon we'll be either celebrating or drowning our sorrows, its perfect!" Ben points out throwing his arms out.

"I guess but-" you start but Ben interrupts you by slapping his hands against his desk.

"perfect! I can't wait!" Ben grins happily making you roll your eyes at him.

You turn your attention back to your computer trying to focus on your work but finding it near impossible. And it wasn't because the reports and paperwork you were filling out was incredibly boring, it was because your mind kept flicking back to that night. You kept telling yourself there was nothing special about it, but your brain just didn't seem to want to listen. Recalling the way it felt when Chris wrapped his arms around you and just let you break down, not saying a single word, something you didn't think Jake would ever do.

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