002. || Discovery

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A familiar knocking sound was heard from your door. "Come in." 

It opened and you weren't surprised to see that it was your dad. What surprised you though was that there was an agent that looked different from the rest. You stared at your dad, giving him a confused stare, which he quickly picked up on. 

"This is your new bodyguard and companion: Zeke. I've noticed how bored and lonely you seemed. Feel free to ignore him if he's not to your liking, he's a bit... extroverted." You just nodded, not knowing how else to respond. He glided back out the door, leaving you alone with the man named Zeke. 

You stared at him blankly, seeing if he would get uncomfortable in your gaze just like the agents outside your room, but he didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he se- wait is he running towards you? 

Before you could even comprehend what he was doing, he dived onto you and wrapped his arms around you, making the both of you fall to the ground. You just stayed still, almost as if you were paralyzed while he just kinda invaded your personal bubble. 

"I am SO happy to be working with you, (Y/N)!" Not really knowing what to do, you gave a slight nod to him. Was this the thing called hugging?? After what seemed like forever, he let you go, giving you freedom to move around again. 

The both of you just stared at each other, not knowing what to do. He cleared his throat a little before giving you a smile so bright you probably needed sunglasses to actually see him. 

"Well, I already know your name, so what're your pronouns? It wouldn't be very cash money of me to have them be incorrect. Especially since... Well, all of us kind of look the same to be honest. It's impossible to tell what gender someone is," he rambled on. 

"...Uh," you racked your brain, trying to remember what pronouns were. After a few seconds, you remembered what it was. 

"He/him. What does being 'cash money' mean...?" You mumbled the last sentence to nobody in particular, but he seemed to hear it and gave you the most devastated look in the entire state of Nevada. 

"Holy shit..." He pulled out some glowing rectangle out of his pocket and showed you a bunch of weird images, asking if you knew any of them. Of course, you said no to all of them. 

Then the rest of the day consisted of him teaching you what 'memes' were and some slangs people used. The 'Sonic Fandubs' interested you the most. Because learning all of these were so interesting, you both lost track of time and you ended up not filling out any of the paperwork your dad gave you. 

As soon as he left, you asked a guard outside to give you a few energy drinks and quickly went on to filling it out. You ended up having to ask for more energy drinks and pulling an all nighter just to get them done by the time your dad came to pick them up, which was in the morning. 

You were always awake by the time he came to pick them up, so to say he was surprised at you sleeping on the desk with many cans of energy drinks surrounding the floor near you was an understatement. 

Not wanting you to be in any more discomfort, he gently picked you up and tucked you into your bed before writing something on a sticky note. Of course, he didn't want to overwork you while you were in a worn out state, so he took half of the workload he was supposed to give you and left with the paperwork you hastily filled out. 

-Dream Start- 

[you don't have to read this, it's just a little filler because the next paragraph having you wake up felt a little too fast paced for me] 

You were in a weird place; very- no. EXTREMELY different from what you saw of Nevada. 

There were buildings everywhere. Tall buildings, small buildings, wide buildings, weird shaped buildings, all types of buildings with lights coming out of their multiple windows. To add onto the strangeness, there were a bunch of people outside. Why were they all putting their guard down? Weren't they scared of getting killed by others? 

To top it all off, there were big glowing rectangles everywhere, along with a huge on one of the buildings. In every single one of the glowing rectangles, a weird looking man was on there. 

His torso was very... round, but his limbs were so thin that you questioned how he was able to stand. He had no hair, small circular glasses that you couldn't see through, and a massive mustache. 

His clothing choice was... interesting to say the least. He had a red shirt with black pants with two white buttons on his front, white gloves, and an unusually small yellow cape. 

He was rambling on about this 'Shadow the Hedgehog' fucking his wife and having a small dick, whatever that meant... And then all of a sudden the rectangle changed from the man to this walnut looking thing, before half of it exploded, exposing a weird design on it. 

But suddenly, it charged up some laser looking thing before shooting it as the voice yelled "I'M PISSING ON THE MOOOOON." You could see it going above you. 

And then this grey sphere in the sky got hit, before exploding into little chunks and leaving a massive crater. The glowing box then changed to a timer ticking down from 24 hours and you heard the voice rambling on even more about piss and you could really hear how he rolled his r in droplets, before saying "Get out of my sight, before I piss on you too." 

og video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMC0uZY2iH0 

go to 12:58 for the scene 

though i highly recommend watching the whole video if your humour is extremely broken like mine 

-Dream End- 

You woke up, and tried to process what the hell you just dreamed about. Is this a side effect from learning about what memes were? 

Shaking off the weird dream you had, you finally realized you were in your bed instead of your desk. When you looked at your desk, you found a relatively small pile of paperwork and a sticky note beside it. You sluggishly forced yourself out of bed, even though you had an extreme urge to just stay and sleep longer, and dragged yourself over to read what the note had to say. 

'Dear (Y/N), 

When I came here, I noticed you were exhausted. I gave you half the workload because of your state, but please try to avoid having this happen again. How much sleep you get affects how you function during the day, and I can tell you didn't get any at all. Try not to procastinate too much and please get at least 8 hours of sleep. 

 ̶L̶o̶v̶e̶,̶ ̶

̶Y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶D̶a̶d̶  

The Auditor' 

Your lips went up a little against your will when you saw 'Love, Your Dad' even if it was crossed off. You were a little confused on why your body reacted weirdly when you read that, but whatever it was, it felt nice. 

You looked over to your clock, seeing that it was 9 AM, which indicated that you only got 3 hours of sleep. Deciding to listen to what the note said, you dragged your body back to your bed and flopped down onto it, getting some shut eye as soon as you hit your pillow. 


yay i managed to force myself to get another chapter out 

sorry if i keep making sonic fandub references, i just love them too much 

again, i seriously recommend watching it if you have broken humour like me 

for those who already watched all of them, if you want some stuff that's similar, i recommend the channel "Jehtt" 

also did you know that they're making a shadow the hedgehog one? i'm super excited to watch it when it comes out 

1358 words 
7/4/22, 2:32 AM 

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