Chapter Two || Appearances

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Wilbur's POV:

Wilbur and Philza walked out side the flower store, both with flowers in their arms. Ranboo and picked out different ones they wanted and made custom bouquets for both of them. Wilbur's was made of white creamy flowers and small light blue flowers with a few roses in between. Philza's however was made up of several yellow flowers.

"Why didn't you get any roses?" Wilbur asked, looking at Phil.

"Roses? Oh you mean for the bouquet?" Wilbur nodded. "Oh . . . this is kind of embarrassing- Kristen likes these beautiful yellow flowers I used to always bring to her, but I forgot what they're called and a lot of the yellow flowers look the same so I just hope I got some in this bundle," Phil admitted.

"Oh, ha," Wilbur looked at his own flowers. He had no idea if Sally liked these types of flowers, he didn't even know if Sally liked flowers! If you looked at them at that angle they actually looked kind of ugly.

Phil must have noticed he was worried. "Come on mate, she'll like the flowers, you're married! Even if she didn't like them she wouldn't just randomly call a divorce or something."

"Yeah, yeah . . . " Wilbur tried to change the subject of the conversation, "we need more people like Ranboo out in this world."

Phil didn't seem the notice the sudden change. "You're right, Ranboo does seem like a good person."

"I sure that- . . . " Wilbur paused. A few yard away from them was a bench, two figures where sitting on it. His eyes fell on them, brunette and a blond.

Tubbo's POV:

"What are you doing here anyways?" Tubbo asked Tommy.

"Well Wilbur and Phil were getting flowers for their wives," Tommy said in a bored tone, hugging one of his knees.

Tubbo winced.

"So you're with them?"

Tommy tilted his head. "Not technically with them, I saw them walking outside my apartment followed them out because I thought they were going somewhere more fun."

"So they don't know you're here?"

"Ah, well- speak of the devil." 

Tubbo turned around to where Tommy was looking and sure enough two of the biggest heroes, were right behind them.

"Tommy- Tommy we should go-" But it was too late, Wilbur had noticed them and stopped Phil. Wilbur and Tubbo locked eyes as they had done so many times before in battle. But if Wilbur recognized him as a citizen, he would have no shelter. Tubbo tried for a casual smile but Wilbur didn't smile back. His gloved hands went to his face and to his scar. Oh well, Tubbo thought, now I'm doomed

Tubbo remembered the very day and the very fight. It was months ago, he and his teammate, Theseus had stolen a lot of high tech things that the Warden created to make better weapons and other gadgets. Siren had arrived right when they were making their escape. Theseus had the stolen things so Tubbo had told him to go first. Theseus tossed him one of the high tech knives for good luck, it was a tradition to them to toss a weapon to the one who was staying behind to hold off the heroes. And so they fought, he had no idea what ability the knife had but at the last second he had decided to enhance the it with his nuclear lightning power to disable Siren so he could get away. It worked much better than expected. He remembered the neon sparks that flew from the blade and the look of surprise in Siren's eyes. There had been so much blood on his face Tubbo thought he was dead . . . that was until he heard that Wilbur was in the hospital the next day. He took one look at the scar and figured out his identity. After that it was pretty obvious Elytra was Phil. He never told Theseus . . . which made him a feel a little guilty. Just a little bit.

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