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    Once they all got into the bathroom, it was awkward. They had nothing to talk about. Harry just ruffled and played with his hair. "Would you quit shaking like a fucking dog?" Louis said, death staring him. Harry just scrunched his face and ran his hand through his hair. "Why are you so rude?" Liam asked, looking right at Louis. "Cause he's a fag." Louis replied simply. "That's your only reason?" "Uh duh."

    "That's a bum ass reason, picking on someone for being who they are." Liam said. Zayn looked and Louis and Louis shook his head. "And Harry's the loser." Liam added under his breath. "Just quit, alright?" Zayn said. "Quit?! Why would I?! This is a chance of a life time to finally say everything I've wanted to this asshole, I'm surprised Harry hasn't said anything." Liam said. "Quiet down, I'm not tryna get caught in here with gays." Louis shooed him off. "What the hell?? Does it not affect you that you cause someone who has done nothing to you so much hurt and pain?? Now that's a bad person."

"It's not like that, okay?? Would you shut the hell up!?" Louis yelled. Harry jumped and turned pale, this is usually when he gets beat up. "The fuck do you mean?! That is exactly how it is!! You just admitted to it!!" Liam yelled. "Guys.." Zayn said. "I didn't admit to shit!" "Guys" "You admitted to bullying him just cause he's gay!!" "It's not even cause of tha-" "GUYS." Harry screamed over everyone else. It was drop dead silent. "Would you quit yelling and just talk like civilized people, we're not cavemen, geez." He sighed, rubbing with his ears like they hurt. "I agree with Harry, you guys were being way too loud for skipping class." Zayn continued. Both Louis and Liam sighed but Liam had a skeptical look. "What was that you were saying when Harry interrupted you?" He asked. Louis swallowed. "That I didn't admit to shit?" He said harshly. "After that, dumbass."

    He looked down as all eyes were on him. "None of your business." "You said it to me though..." Liam chuckled. Louis flushed. Out of no where, the bell rang. "Dammit." Harry thought. "I'm bolting before I'm seen with any of you homos." Louis said, walking out the bathroom. "Gotta go." Zayn said, walking out after him. Harry rolled his eyes. "He's your friend, but he doesn't wanna be seen with you?" Harry asked. "He just wants to get to class." Liam tried to reason. Harry just got his bag and left Liam standing there.

As he was walking down the hallway, he got many stares as usual, but this time, they weren't stares of hatred or disgust, they were more surprised. He just walked to his locker like he didn't see or feel them. He heard little loud whispers from everyone around him. "He has curly hair?" Someone asked. "Kinda cute." A girl swooned. "Think he curled it for attention?" Another person asked. "What the hell are these accusations?" Harry asked and chuckled out loud.

"So, how do you feel about the now curly headed boy?" Zayn asked. Louis sighed heavily. "He looked insanely cute, and super familiar but I don't know from where." Louis replied. He wasn't lying. The boy did look familiar and really cute. Something about that head of curls and the way they framed Harrys face rested deep in Louis mind, but he didn't know where he'd say them. He couldn't dare look the boy in his unnaturally blue eyes. Louis wasn't stupid. Not like everyone else. He had looked into those eyes too many times and noticed that those were stupid contacts. The nerd probably just wanted to look cool and hide his normal, probably brown eyes. Who had he seen with curly hair and brown eyes? He didn't know, but all this thinking was making his head hurt. "He didn't look familiar to me." (yea probably cuz you don't watch some kinky pornstar-) Zayn replied, shrugging his shoulders. "What's going on between you and Harry's best friend?" Louis asked, trying to change the subject. "His name is Liam and he's my friend." Zayn was smiling like an idiot. "Friends don't smile about friends like that."

"Well we do, so butt out." Zayn jokes and they both broke out in a fit of laughter. "What's with all the laughing? Am I being left out?" Niall asked. They both straightened up. "And where we're you two? You weren't making out in the bathroom, were you?" He continued. Louis and Zayn busted out laughing once again. They made gay jokes all the time, knowing that Louis was gay. They were all okay with it. Well, Niall and Zayne were. Andy, Stan, and Nick were all dumbass homophobes. They were the ones that bully Harry along with Louis on the bus each morning, not Niall and Zayn. Louis didn't even know why he hung out with those losers but he couldn't lose his reputation. Anything could ruin his reputation, like being friends with Harry, like he wanted so desperately, or dropping ass goblins like Andy and Stan and Nick.

HELLLLLOOOOO hey it's your author BLU. three uploads in like 2 days wtf I am devoted. anyways how have you been doing? good, good, and if you're not good I'm sorry. If you wanna talk or have any constructive criticism please dm me <333 byeeeee

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