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"I must say, you're incredibly lucky."

The doctor had led her assistants with Lukas to the infirmary of the Sunshine Arena – one of many rooms within the walls of the grandstands. He had been stripped of his leather armour as well as the shirt and breeches beneath, which were torn and tattered. Almost straight away, the doctor had applied a lotion to all the burnt areas of his body, which felt cool and alleviated the brunt of the pain away. All that was left was to wash away the dried blood and sand from his cuts, none of which were too serious. Only the gash on his arm required a bandage.

"I don't know how you came out of that with such minor injuries, I've never seen anything like it in all my years as a medic." The doctor spoke almost to herself as she packed away her utensils. She turned to address Lukas directly, "can you explain what happened in that ball of fire, young man?"

Lukas paused before answering, as harrowing recent memories were brought back to the surface. "All I remember is an incredible heat, and not being able to breathe."

"Any pain?"

Lukas nodded. "As the heat disappeared, I felt my skin burning all over my arms and legs-" he choked the words out, shuddering from the recollection.

"It's okay Lukas, that's all I need to know. You can rest here for a few hours and recuperate. You may even be able to compete in the second round. As a doctor I shouldn't allow it, but by the determination I saw behind your salute back in the arena, I doubt I'd be able to stop you," she smiled. "Now, I need to go, there will be someone around so just shout if you need anything."

"Do you have to go?" Lukas enjoyed the company of the woman, it had been a while since anyone had shown an ounce of care towards him.

"I'm afraid so, I need to be on standby for the rest of the fights." The doctor stood up, muttering under her breath as she walked out, "God knows they'll need me more now."

With the lotions working in full affect, it wasn't long after the door closed behind the doctor that Lukas found some well needed rest.

Lukas was awoken by the door swinging open again.

Other than a few aches, Lukas was feeling surprisingly pain free for the most part. The same couldn't be said for the other inhabitants of the infirmary, of which there were many more than before. The majority of the beds were now taken up by the boys Lukas had been training with for the last few months.

Cillian, who had just been carried in with another boy, was placed on one of the remaining free beds adjacent to Lukas.

"Whose idea was this stupid tournament." The doctor was hovering over Cillian, her face now tainted with worry. Specks of dirt and blood covered her from head to toe. "Thankfully this one is still breathing."

Lukas watched as she ripped away Cillian's breeches, revealing a large open wound oozing blood.

"Will I keep the leg miss," Cillian's spoke weakly, surprising the doctor.

"If I can help it, yes you will keep it," she spoke as she poured water over the injury. "Bite on this a moment," she handed him a cloth which he worryingly stuffed into his mouth. "This alcohol will cleanse the wound," she held up a bottle of clear liquid. "Hold him down."

The two assistants silently obeyed, pinning Cillian to the bed whilst the doctor poured the alcohol. Cillian's muffled screams filled the room as the assistants fought to keep him down. After another five or so minutes of operating, the doctor relayed some instructions to one of the nurses, of which there were several now flitting in between the beds and checking up on the boys. Just like that, the doctor left again.

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