Chapter 6

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It was somewhere around 4 am and far too early for Aizawa to be awake, he had just returned to the teachers dorms less than two hours ago from a shift and was ready to sleep through an entire day. But someone had decided it was necessary to knock on his door at this time and wake him up. Surprise, surprise it was the original problem child. "What is it this time Fuji?" Aizawa asks pinching the bridge of his nose. "No mayonnaise." She nods towards the baffled teacher and leaves to go back to her dorm for the remainder of the morning until school starts.

Aizawa spends the rest of his time thinking about what the feline meant instead of sleeping. 'Is it code? A threat? WHAT DOES SHE WANT FROM ME? AND WHAT DOES "NO MAYONNAISE" MEAN?' The tired teacher though to himself. If he had just gone to sleep and asked Yuuma in the morning he would have found out she didn't have any mayonnaise left and was trying to make a chicken and mayo sandwich. Instead he spent the night confused and panicking she was planning to kill him. She switched to a different early morning snack and annoyed someone else.

Yuuma heard from one of his students that day that he was even more tired than usual and even more pissy than normal. The feline knew she did her job well.


For once Yuuma wasn't heading for a third year class, gun range, teachers lounge, or Aizawa's class. Oh no, no no no today is Present Mic's turn. She would say she makes him suffer but in truth, they make each other suffer. Honestly it gets weird after 15 minutes, like really weird. Anyways..

She finds the classroom Mic is in and peeks her head around the corner to make sure she got the right class, yup this is the class. Yuuma stands in the doorway for a second, assessing where everyone is sat until her eyes are locked onto a certain electric blonde. "YOU!" She yells whilst pouting at him, Denki looks around and points at himself to be sure she's talking to him. She nods and grins evilly. Not even a second later the feline is dragging the boy out of the English classroom and down the hall.

"THE HELL?!" Boom boom boy yells, not only pissed his lesson was interrupted but that the teacher doesn't even care that 'dunce face' got taken out of class for seemingly no reason.

—-at the dorms—-

"Thanks Fuji! I owe you one." They high five and do some sort of dumb bestie hand shake. Yuuma opens and closes her hands as if waiting for something. Denki sighs and tosses her a brown envelope, "and here I thought you forgot our deal." She said whilst swishing her tail quickly from side to side, "all of its there?" Denki nods and watches as she opens the envelope, revealing ¥7641 (approximately £50) before she stashed it away somewhere in her shorts. "Pleasure doing business with ya sparky, now how about we watch that movie you were bragging about earlier." "Then Uno?" Yuuma rolls her eyes and nods, "then we play Uno...AND IMMA BEAT YOUR SORRY ASS!" "YOU WISH KITTY!"

They calmed down after that and watched their movie, then played a few matches. As things went on they both got more and more competitive with one another. To the point that they didn't hear Denki's dorm room door open. "Look if I had a blue or green I would've used it by now. Wouldn't I?" Denki seemed to still not believe her so he changed the colour to red. Yuuma couldn't help but smile when the electric outlet realised his mistake. She laughed like a maniac and slammed down a red 6 and yelled, "UNO BITCH!" Denki lowered his head in defeat whilst Yuuma stared at his friends who looked confused to say the least.

"Sup." Kirishima and Mina cheered/congratulated Yuuma, whilst Sero narrated the last part of the Uno match as if it were a replay, finally Bakugo stood there almost disappointed in his friends face palming. "Can we play the next match with you guys?" Mina asked, Sero and Kirishima sat down and joined them not long after. Bakugo stood there for a couple more minutes, watching the 'extras' play for a short while before walking away to do his own thing that was sooo much more productive than playing Uno all afternoon.

Obviously Yuuma won practically every single round, except when she didn't play and when she helped the other people playing. The first years are shocked at how smart the feline is and how easily she uses strategies in her everyday life. It's no wonder Nezu never questions her if she does something or if she interrupts classes to say something.

As the afternoon progresses the group of teens calm down and watch crappy youtube videos, then at some point they began to asks questions about one another. "You melted your table when you were 8?" Mina nodded with a small blush on her cheeks, the group began laughing and Yuuma high fived the pink girl. "So Fuji?-Call me Yuuma- Okay, Yuuma, why does Nezu allow you to go anywhere, do anything and just laze about?" Yuuma huffs, trying to think back on how it all started.

"I don't remember much how it actually started but I remember bits. I always slept in lessons but my grades were sky high, I would correct teachers, etc etc. And after like a ton of childhood trauma and a teeny bit of healing, I was allowed to sleep wherever and whenever. 'Cause I have a worse sleep schedule than Aizawa. Then cause I was kinda smart and knew what I was doing, I am allowed to stop lessons or even sparring matches if I see fit. I'm not gonna lie though, having a stoat as your dad is kinda weird sometimes, especially when you're part feline." The small group of four all gasped and their jaws dropped. "Principal Nezu is your dad?!" Yuuma nods, "Did I not tell ya?" They all shook their heads, "Well now ya know. Come on it ain't that big a deal."

Word count: 1044

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