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Biological family works the exact same way as it does for humans. There's siblings, parents, grandparents, etc. There's also legal adoption, so adopted family also exists.

Countryhumans reproduce asexually, and they usually only have one biological parent. Although there are exceptions to this where countries have two biological parents. (Don't ask me how, I have no fucking idea lmao) This is due to me feeling morally obligated to not imagine landmasses boinking each other. (If you do it that's fine, I could care less, this is more of a 'me' issue.)

Edit 9/4/23: As of today, the whole honorary parents thing doesn't "exist" anymore, in the sense that it's just countries viewing eachother as parental figures/siblings and didn't need a whole explanation.

So let me just talk about what defines who the country's biological parents are;

It depends on how the country is born, a system that will be explained in a future chapter. Usually if the country is born a colony, their parents will be the native representation of the territory, and the colonizing country.

If the country is born a state/province/whatever they will have one parent, the country they belong to. (Some exceptions like California, whose parents are America and Mexico. Although this doesn't really count since technically she was born a country but eh)

Finally if the country is an heir/successor, their parent will be their predecessor alone, or the former and a country who influenced the people significantly. (Example: Japan's parents are America and Imperial Japan, Imperial Japan is the predecessor and America significantly influenced her country by basically forcing Japan (the country itself not the person) to stop being isolationist. After this treaty Japan was born with America and Imperial Japan as her biological parents.)

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