Chapter 8

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Manik finished his court duties and went to saima's bed chambers.
Saima is instructing something to maids.


S:-manik you came early, wait I will tell maids to prepare early dinner.

She was about to go but manik held her hand.

M:-not required saima, I will go to naziya's chamber today, I will have dinner their.

S:-why (loudly but composed herself)
I mean you said you don't like her.

M:-she is cute saima, with her chubby cheeks, dove eyes, tiny nose, she is so beautiful, I like her attitude, I think I like her, I want to give a chance to this marriage.

S:-so you love her aa.(controlling her emotions).

M:-I don't know if it is love or not.
But I like her presence which gives me peace, she is the only one who don't care am king or not. I want to fall in love with her. Ok bye I will visit you tomorrow.
Take care (kissing her forehead).

Saying this he went away.

Saima eyes filled with pain but their is something else too. Her personal maid Hana noticed it and said.


Every maids left from their. Saima pushed chess board which she wanted to play with manik. It made a sound but not enough to alert gaurds.

Hana:-begum control yourself.

Saima :- why I have to control Hana tell me, how dare he came to me and tell me about his feelings for that bitch.
, I love him for nearly 20 years.all am waiting for him to love me. But he fell for that bitch. No manik is mine, I will not leave him. I did so many things to get him, I killed my own twin sister saima and replaced her place. I raised my sisters bastard children, who was not his blood . Yes those girls are not his kids, because he didn't had sex with anyone, I just used a drug to create illusion that he had sex. I wanted him to make love to me. So I never allowed him to have sex with any woman including my sister. I wanted make him fall in love with me.
I know he never loved anyone truly.
His wives are just his responsibility.
But now he was falling in love with that women. I will not leave her. I will make her experience hell.This is Zoya begums promise.

Ha:-begum be quiet someone may hear us.

Zoya stopped her ranting.

Ha:-you don't have to take actions directly begum, you can instigate other begums against her and don't speak these words again, maharaj is getting doubts, he was spying on everyone so behave, you are saima begum not Zoya remember it.

Zoya nodded her head, although Hana is maid, she has authority to yell at Zoya.
Because she was zoya's friend who helped in her crimes.

Other side
Nandini's chamber

Gowri made nandini sit in front of mirror and started decorating her.
Nandini sat with irritating face.

N:-for gods sake leave me gowri, you are getting me ready for one hour that too for that bitter gaurd face.

G:-naziya he is maharaj don't disrespect him and you are getting ready for your husband. Am so happy at last maharaj is visiting you.

N(in mind):- that bitter gaurd  is behaving weirdly why he is visiting me.
First he looked at me like I vow him something, at afternoon he is looking me like his long lost love. Will he force today.
No way I will not allow it ,am not abala nari type, am just like maha kali. Let him touch me I will destroy his family jewels.

G:-NAZIYA what are you thinking am calling you from 10 min.

N:-nothing why are you calling me.

G:-maharaj will come at any time I will check food prepration you wait for him here ok.


Gauri went to check food arrangements.
Nandini sat on bed nervously.
Maids  announced manik's entry.
Nandini jumped in fright. Manik entered and looked at nandini, who was looking like shinning star in his favorite red colour saree and dolled up with matching jewelry.both started looking at each other without blinking. At last they broke their eye contact.

M:-oh hello Little mouse what are you seeing, come and remove my crown and outer clothes, I want to take a bath.

N(frowning):-who are calling little mouse and why are you ordering me am not a maid to do all these.

M:-but you are my wife, it's your duty if didn't remove it in 5 min means you will face worst am king here.(hiding his smile)

Nandini gritted her teeth but went to him as he don't want to create any problems for her baba. She removed his crown and started to remove his outer clothes. She felt his skin, a electric current passed through her. Manik closed his eyes feeling her touch which is  doing magic to him. At last she removed clothes. Manik went to take a bath.

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