Chapter 3

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You exit the asylum, it looms overhead as you rush out the front doors. You're badly shaken, almost stumbling. You rub your face as you look around for your car. Finally, with some relief, you spot it. It's an old Pinto, parked nearby. The image of your car begins to blur... You're fighting tears, then become dizzy. You faint, crashing to the ground.

(flashbacks of young Y/N)

The screen door bangs open on a wooden porch. A 10-year old girl, the younger you. You start rushing outside, down the front steps. You are running joyfully across your front yard, towards a car - late 60's vintage - parked in the dirt road. A man who seemed to be your father is climbing out of the car. He's tall, handsome, and has a marshal's badge pinned on his dark suit. He grins when he spots you. He spreads his arms wide as you rush into them. He sweeps you up into a hug and spins you around. Both of you are laughing and smiling.

(back to the present)

You wake up on the ground, your head hurts. You sit up and lean against your car, you bury your face into your arms. Your shoulders won't stop shaking. You sit there for another ten minutes then get into your car. You take several deep breaths before turning the ignition over, and nervously drive home.

As you're driving, you start thinking of how protective Hannibal sounded when you told him what Miggs said. How he made you blush practically the whole time you were there. And before you left, how he called you back. You think he... turned you on while you were there. No, he's a serial killer. It doesn't matter how kind and protective... and attractive you find him. You can't let him get to you. You shake the thoughts out of your head and continue driving home. You decide to stop at a fast food restaurant instead of going home and cooking. You order sushi and a small drink. Once you get your food, you continue driving home.

Once you get home, you take off your jacket, then put your bag and food on the counter. You eat your supper and throw your soiled clothing into the wash and then take a shower. You jump in the shower and let the water fall on your face. You scrub your face and neck harder than usual, worried you might miss some of the stuff Miggs threw at you.

Thoughts of Hannibal jump their way into your mind again, this time you can't seem to shake them. No matter how much you try and focus on something else. Your stomach gets butterflies and your face goes red. You can feel the sparks igniting between your legs, remembering what happened today. The more you think about him, the more flustered and wet you become. You can't take it. You sit down in the shower, close your eyes and trail your fingers down to your sex. Your mind sprints to imagine Hannibal, thinking of what happened today. You're astonished at how much he turns you on. His voice, his protectiveness. You accept the fact that you're obsessed which turns you on more. You rub faster the more you think, shocks of pleasure going through you. You let out moans, filled with shock and pleasure. White light flashes behind your eyelids as you explode, and beaming heat floods through you. Your whole body shudders as you climax, you struggle to catch your breath.

A wave of hot shame washes over you as you realize what you've done. You masturbated to a serial killer, you masturbated to... Hannibal Lecter. Shit, shit, shit. No one can find out about this. You realize still have to go back and talk to Hannibal again. He'll know what you did without asking right off the bat. You're screwed. If Jack Crawford finds out, you'll be off the case. Hell, you might be out of a job. You need to keep this a secret. You need to ignore whatever feelings you have towards Hannibal.

Dammit, you have to go to sleep and forget this ever happened. You try and fall asleep but you just keep re-living yourself in the shower. You get so tired that you don't even notice you fall asleep.

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