Academic Rivals

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I hate him. I absolutely loathe him, the very idea of him makes me sick. I can't believe he's my rival, my stupid competitor for best marks in the school. The entire year we have been waging against one another about grades. Who would get the higher mark? Who would do the best? I'm top of my class for girls, he's top for the boys. Throughout the year we have been neck in neck, tie after tie again. But that will all change with this test, because it is my specialty, literature. I stroll through the school library, my favorite place to be, looking for a specific book. My fingertips brush against the spines as I walk, the scent of old leather back books fills my senses. I see the purple spine sticking out of the top shelf and I go to grab it, only to realize it's too high up. Looking around I spot a rolling ladder, I swing it over and climb. Once I've got the book in hand I check it, it's in great condition for its time. That's what this library is known for, having every book and having them not be ruined. How do they keep them that way? I have no idea, but they do a fantastic job.

"Ah, so you've found it." A deep voice from behind me states, it's so sudden I lose my footing and start to fall. I clutch the book to my chest and prepare for a painful landing, except it doesn't come. I open my eyes and his, unfortunately, attractive face is in my line of sight. My gaze drops to his mouth and I start to blush when they shift into a smirk.

"Don't worry love, I've got you." He laughs, "But I find it hilarious that you decided to protect the book rather than yourself."

I push away from him and he sets me down, I brush off my dress. "Yes well this is a beautiful book and, to be frank, I didn't want it to be ruined."

His eyes assess my body, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

I laugh, "I'm fine." I start to look the book over, "And so is this." I peer at him, my brows are drawn together, "Wait why are you here?"

His eyes shift to the book and I start to shake my head, "Oh no, I found it first which means I get it." I wave my hand, "Why don't you go off and find your own copy."

He frowns and steps towards me, "You know that's the only one here. Why don't we share it, you get it weekdays, I get it weekends."

I cross my arms over my chest, "You sound as if we've gotten divorced and we have to share a child."

He smiles, "Now now no arguing in front of the baby."

I hated that I smiled at his stupid joke, I cleared my throat, "What do I get in this exchange?"

He shrugs, "You get to see me a lot more often."

I roll my eyes, "Oh joy."

He chuckles, I hate myself for finding it sexy.

"Name your price."

I think it over, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I cannot waste it. A million ideas run through my head, but none of them feel right.

I hold my head high, "How about this instead, I will give you your weekends with it, but I will not name my price for it yet. It is to be repaid at a later date."

He makes a face I know all too well. He's deciding the risk factor, he's thinking of the pros and cons to this deal and when he's finally come up with an answer he nods.


I groan, "What now?"

"I only have one request for me to accept this," he smiles, "You must study with me twice a week."

His request leaves me baffled, study with me? But he hates me and I him!

I gave him a puzzled look, "Why would you want that?"

He shakes his head, the corners of his lips tilted upwards, "That is for me to know and you to find out."

At first I wanted to decline this deal and take the book for my own, but once I thought about it to a greater extent, I realized having him owe me a favor would benefit me greatly in the future. It is for that reason that I stick out my hand now for him to shake, his hand glides smoothly into mine, they lock with a firm hold. A deal has been struck. 

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