"Wouldn't dream of it"

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Whistling. I can hear whistling on the other side of the wall. I take a few cautious steps towards it. No one ever comes to this place. The wall reaches to about my waist, and it's made of stone. I come here when I need to think, or read, or just escape. The whistling continues, it's a soft melody. I look over the wall, there's a boy sitting on the other side, he's sitting with one leg propped up and the other crossed over top. A shadow is cast over him, from me blocking the sun, his head tilts up and he stops whistling. His lips part into a small o and his eyes widen a little.

I give him a smile, "Hi"

He seems to fumble with his words, he clears his throat "Hey?" It's more of a question instead of a friendly greeting.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I heard you whistling and thought I'd see who it was. Not many people know about this place." My eyes are glued to his, they're amber with gold specks.

I pointed to the seat beside him, "Mind if I sit?"

He nods, seeming to have lost his words.

"So... You come here often?"

He suddenly burst out laughing, I gave him a sheepish smile, "What?"

"Sorry sorry, it's just" he laughs again, "It's just that, that sounded like a cheesy pick up line."

I start to laugh with him, "Oh jeez, now that you've mentioned it it did!"

The ice seems to have broken and he seems to have relaxed to my company.

"What are your hobbies?" I ask him, he seems to be confused by my question.


"I asked, what are your hobbies?"

"Why?" His brows are drawn together.

"Because I thought it would be a good question to get to know you," I shrug my shoulders. The silence draws on.

"Music," he breaks the silence first.

"Like... Guitar?"

This time he shrugs, "Sometimes, but I'm more into writing lyrics." He points to the notepad beside him, that I somehow missed, "that's why I was here. This place seems to give me inspiration." He nods towards me, "You?"

"I like writing too, but not music," I laughed again, hugging my notebook closer to my body, "I'm not good at that."

He smiles at me and I mirror it. I look back towards his notepad, his eyes follow mine.

"Want to swap?"

My gaze darts back to his, "What?"

"Do you want to switch?" He points to the notebook in my hand, "I'll read your work and you read mine."

I mull this over in my head. It has been a while since I've had someone read my ideas, and I am curious on what type of music he writes.

I nod, "Sounds good to me," I hand my book over to him, he takes it. His fingers brushed against mine ever so slightly, but just enough to send a jolt of excitement through me. I looked up to see if he had the same feeling. If he did, he doesn't show it. He hands me his and we start to read.

His handwriting is a little messy, probably from him trying to write down lyrics before he forgets. I look over the page, words danced over the paper saying,

"If we were in a book,

How do you think it would look?

Our novels cover,

Would it even have any color?

Every single page

Where would we change?

This is our story, let's live forever in its glory"

"Wow.." I whisper under my breath, completely forgetting the boy sitting beside me.

"I know, it's not my best-" He tries to say but I cut him off.

"No! It's amazing! I had never read anything like it, are you going to make this into a song?" He opens his mouth, but I interrupt him, "Because you totally should! This is amazing!" I look longingly at the notebook, staring at the words on the page.

I drift my eyes up back to the creator, his eyes are trained on mine, a huge smile splits across his face.

I hold up his notepad, "Did I mention that this is amazing?"

He laughs and looks over to me. "I could say the same thing for you," he raises my book and quirks his brow, "your writing is captivating." Blush creeps onto my face, I snatch my book back from him.

"Thank you, but it's not my best," I look back at him, realizing that I said the same thing he almost did. He holds my eyes, amusement is sparkling in them.

I shake my head, unable to suppress my grin.

"You know I didn't catch your name," his voice has gotten more playful the more we talk.

"Why do you want to know my name?" I copied his playful tone.

"So that when I see you I can call your name to get your attention," his lips pull into a smirk, as he leans against the wall.

I pretended to think it over, but while I was pretending I got an idea.

"How about this instead. Instead of giving you my real name, I'll give you a name that only you can call me. A name just for you," he hears the mischief in my voice and sits up, "and you can give me one, so that if we see each other, I'll know it's you instead of someone else." I hold out my hand, "Deal?"

He shakes my hand, "Deal. So what's your name? Or at least the name you'll give me."

"Hmm..." I looked around and spotted a garden, with purple flowers. I smiled, "You may call me Violet."

He smirks, "Nice to meet you Violet, I'm Will" I can tell by the look in his eyes that he's enjoying this. "So.. Violet, when will I see you again?"

I smile, "I don't know Will, when do you want to see me?"

His smirk turns into a full on grin, "As soon as possible, of course."

"Of course," A faint blush dusts over my cheeks, "Well then Will, how about here, tomorrow, same time? I'll bring snacks."

He nods his head and stands up, holding out his hand to help me. I take it and haul myself up from the ground. I brush off my pants, and turn from him.

I hop over the wall and walk away, stopping a short distance before turning back to him, calling out, "Don't be late!"

He's still standing where I left him, he yells back, "Wouldn't dream of it!"

I laugh and continue my journey back home, but my mind keeps drifting back to thoughts of tomorrow. 

*Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while, I was actually visiting in Florida! (and as a Canadian, it was hot) Anyway I hope you enjoy this one!!**

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