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Axe's POV

The clubhouse was louder then I had thought it would be but because of the loudness it had scared the kids making Lily cry and whimper and Josh hide behind me. "Hey quite!!" I yelled out making the room go silent other then Lily's crys and Josh's disapproving groans, Rose was trying to calm them down but they weren't having it. She gave me a look of help while holding Lily close to her chest and slightly holding Josh while still behind me, I moved a little closer to her and whispered to Lily saying her name and put my hand on Josh's back showing him some comfert.

"Why are ya'll being so loud this early in the morning?" I asked while still holding on to Rose and the kids. No one answered right away until Ryder came in looking just as unhappy about all the noise as I was.

"We got word of a new guy in town he's been causing some trouble and is about to cause you guys some trouble as well his name is-" before he could even finish Cavin said it for him.

"Leo." Cavin was holding Cory I could tell he was angery and the only thing keeping him calm is Cory but I could tell Cory was slowly losing his temper as well. Rose had went stiff beside me causing me to hold her closer to me before picking her and Lily up and walking them to a bar stool before picking J up in my arms.

"I'm calling church and I need everyone in there." I say before calling my mom over to take Josh and Lily so Rose can be in there to tell us whatever we may need to know.

Walking into church with three new people caused some looks mostly towards the boys whiched caused a whole new anger to go through Cavin. We sat at the head of our meeting table Rose on my lap Cavin on our left with Cory in his lap and Ryder to my right.

"Cavin would you like to feel the guys in on who Leo is?" I ask while pulling Rose as close as possible to me knowing that this is a touchy subject to her.

"Leo and Rose used to date in collage he won us over in no time he had fooled us all." I see Cory grab Cavin's hand keeping him calm but he's other hand reachs for Rose's knowing that it's not easy for her either.

"After finishing up school and becoming machinics Cavin and I started noticing that Rose was different she bagan to lose weight and was wearing more clothes then usual. We had asked what was wrong but she just kept telling us it was nothing. But when we got the call that Rose was hurt and we needed to go to the hospital of course I rushed over to her and Cavin went to get Josh from the police department but when he got to the hospital he into a rage when he seen her laying there with her leg wrapped and brusies all over her." he looked at Rose who nodded for him to continue.

"Leo had been beating her but that night they had been fighting about having more kids he didn't want anymore but it was too late Rose was pregnant with Lily. She didn't even get to tell him before he lashed out with a pocket knife. He was in jail but bailed himself out and was having sex on thier couch when we took her and Josh home from the hospital, Cavin of course lost it and beat the shit out of him while I helped Rose pack all of their stuff. We wasted no time before going home and packing our own things and comeing here. We of course opened the shop and met you guys shortly after." He finished before looking at Cavin and Rose keeping a close eye on them both. You could tell he was the mother hen of the group always taking care of them before himself.

"Well he's looking for her and we aren't the only ones he's come to asking about her. I got a email this morning from him with a picture of him and Rose but I found it odd that he was only asking about her and not the kids. I didn't reply back I wanted to run it by you but since he's been in town some of the girls have been coming home with bruises and the only thing anyone can get out of them is he wants her." Ryder said he looked just as upset as the rest of my brothers.

I look at Cavin and he looks ready to blow Cory looked to be stuggiling with his anger as well. I took a glance at Rose who had been quite only to see her silently crying in my arms. "We are going to keep an eye on him and if he doesn't leave town soon then we will make him leave we will have a small group stay close to their house but not right on top of it. I'll be staying with them for the time being but when I'm not there someone else will be same with the shop we will keep some men there to keep them close. Someone will be posted outside of Josh"s school and Lily can stay with my mom when we are working." I let everyone go back to their usual jobs.

Cavin, Cory, Ryder, Rose and I were the only ones left in the meeting room. "I'm sorry we have caused you so much trouble." Rose whispered her voice horse from crying so much.

"This is our job we protact everyone new and old in this town, you, Lily, and Josh mean a lot to Axe which means you mean alot to us and because Cory and Cavin mean alot to you they mean alot to us." Ryder told her with a soft voice I knew this meant the club was claiming them as family weather I claimed then as mine or not.

My small family was only growing and I am loving every minute of it.

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