Chapter 1

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My whole life, I had been labeled as the good girl. Despite the less-than-ideal situation I grew up in, I was the girl in school who sat quietly and listened to the teachers while the other kids were running around screaming their heads off. I was the girl who didn't have her first kiss until she was 19 years old.

As much as I'd love to tell you what happened to her, I have no fucking idea.

The sign for Pink Poison glowed in borderline nauseating hot pink cursive lettering to accompany the pink brick building, and the music could have been heard in San Diego every time someone opened the doors.

Jay, the bouncer standing out front, greeted me by name as he swung the door open for me. I saluted to him with a nod of thanks before stepping into the welcoming air-conditioned building which constantly smelled of bleach, liquor, and various brands of cologne.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust in the dark as I passed the bar, walked down the three steps, and through the door that led to the back of the place, where the dressing room was. I clocked in via the electronic screen by the back door before using my hip to open the dressing room door, suddenly immersed in hair spray and sugary perfume.

"Grace!" Claudia squealed. "Thank God you're here. Black or red?"

"Black, always," I nodded to her as she held up two different sets of lingerie. Well, they were the same set in two different colors.

"I told you guys," Claudia stuck her tongue out at the girls getting ready in front of the four large vanity setups. "Hey, how was your vacation in San Fran?"

"My vacation," I chuckled. "Well, let's see. It started with Max being a sweetheart, and it ended with us fighting."

"So, the usual," she surmised.

"Yup. I left two days after we got there and he stayed to do fuck knows what with fuck knows who."

Claudia clicked her tongue in sympathy and took a seat while I started to strip down. "I'm sorry, babe. What'd you do for the rest of your time off?"

"Nothing, and it was actually fantastic."

"Well, that's good, at least you got to relax. Chris missed the fuck out of you."

I laughed at the mention of our boss, turning around so Claudia could clip my bra for me. "Did he?"

"Yeah, every day he was just muttering about how we weren't making as much money without you here. All your regulars left when they found out you wouldn't be back until tonight, and Chris almost had a fucking aneurism."

"He's dramatic," I stepped out of my sandals and traded them for a pair of black platform heels to go with my lace black lingerie.

"What the fuck, Grace?" Jessie gestured to me. "Can't you just ever look bloated or ugly for once? You make me feel like a cow."

My jaw dropped as I reached out and snapped the waistline of her underwear against her flat stomach. "If I had hips like yours I'd make enough money every night to not have to work here anymore."

"As if," Lizzie laughed. "This place would shut down if you ever left."

As always, I denied all praise when that simply just wasn't true. Yeah, I had a few extremely loyal customers since my first weekend here almost two years ago now, but so did the other girls.

Every guy who stepped into this building had a type, and every single girl here fulfilled their desires in one way or another. It was quite literally our job to do so.

Chris popped his head in through the door to give us all our time slots, and because it was Friday night I would be going on at 10:30. That was our peak hour, and that was when I always took the stage on the weekends.

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