Chapter 27

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On the boat taking us back to the main island, I laid down on the smooth white leather with my head in Harry's lap, closing my eyes as he stroked my cheekbone with the back of his knuckles. I was drunk again, but it felt like we both had been for the last couple of days. We didn't have anything else to do, and the sex was more fun when we were both on the same level like that.

We had planned to stay in again, but I wanted Harry to take me to a club he said he sometimes went to when he took himself on a holiday out here. We've never gone out together other than for dinner, so I figured a time when he had no interruptions was better than any.

After drinking slowly for the better half of the day, I was that happy kind of drunk now, where everything made me smile and everything just felt...good. That included now, as Harry slipped his hand up my little black dress to squeeze my inner thigh, letting his fingers brush over the seat of my lace panties.

The soft moan I let out was muffled by the sound of the wind, and Harry stroked my cheek again when I lifted my head to press a kiss to his bare skin just above his belt buckle. He wore a loose short sleeve button-down...which I unbuttoned all the way right before we left.

"Behave, Grace," Harry muttered as I chased his thumb on my cheek to take it in my mouth, smiling around it when he bit down on his lip.

Did I mention I was also stupidly horny?

When the boat started to slow at the dock, I slowly sat up and felt both the alcohol and blood rush to my head before I laid it on Harry's shoulder. He kissed me, and I was about to fully straddle his waist before the boat halted and I fell in his lap instead.

"Jesus Christ," he gripped my hips as I started sucking on the corner of his jaw. "Why did we even leave the house?"

"Because," I sighed as I pulled back to stand between his spread knees. "I wanna dance with you."

He stood so tall in front of me, even in my highest heels, and I let him hold my hips from behind me to help guide me off the boat. A black Mercedes was waiting for us at the dock to take us to the club, not more than a ten-minute drive away.

I sat in the middle seat to be close to him, playing with his hand in my lap as I crossed my legs and unintentionally let my dress ride up. It was already short enough as it was, which Harry commented on multiple times before we left.

The club name I couldn't make out, but there was a deep red light coming from the inside every time someone opened up the door and came out in couples and groups

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The club name I couldn't make out, but there was a deep red light coming from the inside every time someone opened up the door and came out in couples and groups. Even more people were filtering inside, and I felt a random rush of excitement when Harry tipped the driver and we got out of the car.

We didn't even have to show our IDs to the bouncer out front. The second he saw Harry, he stopped interacting with anyone else to let us go in first, and I guess that really shouldn't have surprised me.

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