White Star's POV of Cale's ASS

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To say that someone like White Star, who is a very respectable man in the organization he leads, is agitated is an understatement.

He's not just feeling agitated, he's feeling overly agitated, stressed, and depressed. It has been months since Cale Henituse appeared in the war. He's used to seeing that man's pretty face being in the front lines and constantly mocking him about how he's one step ahead of him.

White Star is convinced that they are fated to be with each other, that they are truly meant to be. When the news of Cale Henituse assisting the Molans in reclaiming their household reached him, he may have fallen even deeper in love. If only that man was on his side, perhaps he could help him gain more power as well, and they could live happily ever after.

But that man who always ruins his plans has suddenly disappeared as if he didn't exist—or perhaps he is avoiding him.

Perhaps he is truly avoiding him.

White Star gritted his teeth in realization and frustration, feeling deprived of the presence of the other redhead. Just as when he's planning to drop everything about ascending to become a God and maybe ask the count for his son's hand in marriage, build a small house in a remote area, have a farm, and maybe have kids— have kids?

Cale Henituse as the wife of the renowned White Star—

Sayeru, with his mouth gaping, eyes opened wide, stared at his liege, who had suddenly palmed himself on the face and a red tint of blush appeared on the tip of his ears.


Posted in AO3 under the username; Senaria

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