⌗1 - home

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Fanart credit : @___hp0000 on twt

"Y/N??" A light , faint voice beside you spoke.

"EARTH TO Y/N!?" The same sweet and light voice yelled , right next to my ears

Huh? Am I dreaming ? Her voice mfghgs sounds...hmm nice ,

"Y/N..." Another voice called out to you but this one came out impatiently.

"Y/N Y/N Y/N" They start to chant out you name multiple times to annoy you ,

....and somehow they managed to succeed

God... please just shut up for once , let me enjoy my sleep...

I can feel someone poking my stomach..

And that's when

"Guys stop being so loud...let me sleep peacefully..." I mumbled out tiredly

The two girls who I assume are my bestfriends shook my body in order to wake me up. My eyes fluttered open as I grumbled "Stop that.." I warned with a sharp tone

"But Y/N chan it's almost 7PM , " Hinata says softly as she help me pick up my books

"Just 5 more minutes...." I yawned and leaned back to my table but two cold hands beat me to it

Emma cupped my face making me annoyed so I open my eyes and gave a simple stare to the culprit , making Emma back her hands out

"w- well that's the only way to wake you up so don't blame me for that" She blabbered quickly while scratching her neck

A giggle escaped from Hina's mouth

I rolled my eyes " yeah , yeah." I then look at my surroundings.

Halls empty , lights flickering and the weather? Freezing.

Oh , and there's Senju here too. She's sitting on the desk while playing with her phone though.

I stared at Senju for a few seconds before leaning my head on my table again

Hmmm...this feels nice ,

Senju then put a cold water can against my neck.

'Fuck , that's cold...' I thought , shivering.

"Feeling better?" Senju sassed at me

I back away immediately and hissed "Why would you that to me Senju , I thought we were FRIENDS" I whined as my mouth starts to form a little frown.

Senju laughed and 'apologised' to me "sorry ," she said with a sly smile.

That's what she said..

but I doubt she's actually feeling sorry smh. I rolled my eyes at the thought

"yeah shore..." I said , not believing her words as I rub my eyes slowly.

'That's what you get for being stubborn Y/N chan" Emma chimed in to the conversation as she made her way to

Hold on. Why does the sky looks so... dark. Eh ,maybe because it's raining.

Sheeeesh no wonder why I had a great sleep

"What time is it..." I asked , stretching my body tiredly.

"It's 7 PM , school has ended around 3:00 PM you know ," Hinata chirped out while closing all the classrooms window

"Then why didn't ANY of you wake me up when school ended??" I asked again , feeling annoyed.

Everyone looked at eachother and shrugged. Hinata and Emma began continuing to clean our classroom

I slept for 3hours straight?

Well damn , this is what happen when you don't sleep at night during the school week , kids!

wHy diD yOu nOt sleEp lAsT night thOugH ?

Anyone might be thinking ,

I have insomnia and I have an addiction with playing games , tiktok and ibis paint. Sooo yeah let's get onto the next topic instead

Urgh now I have to walk alone BY MYSELF , to my house.

I surely hope my parents aren't home so they won't be asking me questions 24/7... it just gets annoying sometimes.

OH MY GOD and I completely forgot about my cats at home , they haven't eaten anything since morning !

"MY POOR CATS!" I yelled and got up from my seat

Shit shit I forgot about them

"Calm down Y/N chan , "

"Your parents called you an hour ago"

"What did they say ?"

"They told you not to worry about your cats as your brother is home and will be taking a good care of the house"

"And how would you know if my brother takes care of my cats ?" I stared at her and raise my eyebrows , waiting for her response

"Well it's Chifuyu we're talking about. The guy is a cat lover , ofcourse he's gonna take care of him" Emma explained , puffing her cheeks

Well damn she has a point.....

"Alright , but just to be sure I'm gonna go home now and check by myself , "

"Anyways byee~" I bid them goodbye and walked to the exit but a hand pulled me back inside

"Not so fast" Emma stopped me. I paused and look at my two other bestfriends. "What?"

"You're silly if you think we're going to leave you alone in the middle of the night , Y/N" Hina says with a chuckle

I paused "But what about you guys.."

Senju took her lollipop out from her mouth and throw them away

Walking up to me , she put two of her hands to my shoulders "I can walk you home y/n" she spoke with a warm tone

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