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I trailed behind her since I know she'll be going to the lockers.

I stoped at my locker and saw notes stuck on it. Hate notes I mean not love notes. Notes telling you to be gone forever and get of their life what-so-ever. I sighed. I proceeded to open my locker while biting my lip. Even though I'm annoyed by the hate, I still feel hurt seeing those notes. I feel so unwanted like that. I took out the books I needed for class and headed to the class room. Unfortunately, me and Yerim are different classes, and she's my only friend. I walked in the class and everyone shot daggers at me. Neither they whisper about me or they give me those disgusted looks. I ignored the looks and walked to my seat, the most back seat near the window. The whole class time I payed attention to the teacher, it's because I'm a scholarship student and if I get low marks, I'll be kicked out. I took notes and listened attentively. After what feeling like a century, class finally ended. I walked out of class to find Yerim waiting for me.

"Let's go, Hayeon!" She said cheerfully and dragged me to the canteen.

On the way to the canteen, I saw Baekhyun, my crush. He ignored me mainly because I'm very hated in the school.

I can almost hear my heart breaking.

"There, there Hayeon. I can tell that you're upset but it'll work out, you'll see!" Yerim comforted me.

I let out a small chuckle and said,"Thanks Ye." I always call her Ye, I don't know why but she hates it when I call her that.

"Don't call me that." She said strictly and we continued our way to the canteen.

We reached the canteen and lined up to que for the food.

"What do you want Hayeon?" She asked me.

"Well, I was craving for choco pudding but I'll get a simple soda drink instead." I said while looking at her. Then I realised something. Everything paused. Like in a movie.

"Yerim? Ye! What's happening?" I muttered. This thing is creeping me out.

I realised that there are red dust everywhere. "Y-yerim...." I stammered. I stepped closer to her when I saw a silouhette of a boy with wings. Like is that even possible? The silouhette walked closed to me. I stepped another step backward.

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