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We finally reached home after the long walk. I entered the house followed by the boys. I went up to my room. It was just 3:45 pm. I walked around my room. Ugh what to do? I went down and realised that the boys aren't home. But they're here a minute ago. I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. I turned around and saw Jin walking around. He finally sat beside me and sighed.
"Yeon, there's something bad going on. Sunha...she's become more stronger. S-she's planning to k-kill you because she needs the Queen's family line's blood, not just a drop, but all. So it's like dying. She got your mom's, Seyeon's and your Dad's already. Now she only needs yours. So if you see any suspicious creatures, stay away." Jin said.
Wait what? She's planning to kill me? I did some deep breaths. But why? Is it because I have the power of words? I just sat there. Unable to say a word. Why is it that I always have to cross these kind of things?I felt lonely, I felt depressed, I'm crushed by this world, and now this is the first time that I gave up on a question I couldn't solve. Being killed by Sunha? And then she could just take the world like that? Tears started to well up in my eyes. Why? Why...was the only thing I can think of.
"Don't think bad thoughts like that Yeon...everything will be okay. We're here Yeon." Jin said while comforting me.
"I-i just don't have anyone left. I...I'm just...very thankful...that I hav you guys...here with me...without you guys...I think I would already have commited suicide." I said to Jin.
A second later, the others came back.
"Why so emotional Yeon?" Jimin asked.
"I-I'm not! Just a little sensitive." I said to them.
They chuckled lowly and sat on the sofa.
"So you must've known about the news huh Yeon?" V said.
"Y-yea...Jin just told me awhile ago." I said to him.
Everyone just stayed quiet.
"Can I take a walk...alone?" I said to them.
They're faces directly changed.
"Just around the neighbourhood. Please? I need some time alone." I pleaded.
"Fine...but at least take one of us with you." RapMon said.
"Ugh fine, V let's go." I said.
I don't know why I chose V. It just automatically came out of my mouth. I saw V's eyes widen in shock but just followed me. We both walked out the house and started on the neighbourhood.
"Where do you wanna go Yeon?" V said.
"To the small playground. Do you know it? The one that I always go with Seyeon when we were little." I said to him.
"Ah...I rememeber. Why there? " he asked me.
"It just has good memories and it makes me feel like Seyeon's still here." I said.
He didn't reply. We walked and walked and finally reached the playground. I could still feel the happiness in my heart. I could still picture me and Seyeon running around, playing and shouting. Now...she's gone...she...she just left... I know it's not her fault...why did...I sighed and blinked my tears away. I walked to the swing and sat on the right one, the usual place I sit on when I was little. Seyeon would sit on the left one. But this time, V sat on the left one. I suddenly felt like crying, letting all my emotions out.
"It's okay Hayeon. Just cry. Don't hold in all the emotions. Just cry..." V said.
Tears started to fall. Why am I so miserable? Knowing that Sunha will kill me, Seyeon and Mom gone. Why? I cried some more. I felt someone hug me.
"Shh...let it all out Yeon." He said while hugging me again.
The tears just couldn't stop flowing. Mom...she kept this all a secret from me...she..she was struggling all this time...now, she's gone too. Why is everyone leaving me? No one is here for me anymore.
"Don't think like that Yeon. I'm here for you...me and the boys..." V said.
"T-thank you V...for being here for me...I...I'm glad that I met you guys... You guys are the best." I said to him, giving him a small smile.
He hugged me tighter. I recognise these arms.
"Wait...were you the one..." I said.
He sighed. "Yes. I was the one who confessed. I understand if you don't feel the same..."
Do I?
"No! V...I...I...love...you...too." I said.
His eyes widen. I turned back. My cheeks burned.
"YES! Hahaha! Finally!" I saw V in the middle of the playground dancing.
I smiled. He's so cute.
He climed to the top of the slide set and screamed, "Shim Hayeon I love you!!!"
I blushed so hard.
"Kim Tae hyung I love you too!!" I shouted.
Our eyes met and we both looked back, shy.
He climbed down the slide and ran to me.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked while kneeling down.
"Yes, V. I love you." I said to him.

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