Old | Ch.5 || Kill The Date

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It's been nearly an hour since their game of Uno ended, and Tatsumi is growing restless sitting in the church with nothing to do. He glances over at Atalanta and suggests, "Hey Atalanta, how about we go for a walk around town again?" His servant nods eagerly in agreement.

"Sure, that sounds like fun," the hunter of Artemis replies. Achilles, overhearing their conversation, playfully whistles at Tatsumi and smirks.

"Oh, asking the virgin hunter out on a date, huh? You're quite ambitious," Achilles teases, causing Atalanta to shoot him a look.

"This isn't a date. Besides, I've taken a vow of Chastity," the Archer states bluntly. Tatsumi shrugs off the comment and heads towards the door, looking back at the red Archer.

"Don't mind them, they're just trying to tease us. Well, let's head out," Tatsumi reassures Atalanta. She nods, and they leave the church together.

After a while, they find themselves on a bustling main road, filled with people enjoying their day. Tatsumi turns to Atalanta and asks, "So, where should we go first?" Atalanta glances at her outfit and then at Tatsumi.

"Hmm, how about we find some casual clothing to blend in better?" the archer suggests. Tatsumi recalls a clothing store nearby.

"I know of a good clothing store in this town," Tatsumi informs Atalanta, who looks at him curiously. "Do you have money?" she asks. Tatsumi nods in response. "Yeah, when I killed those homunculi, I sold their weapons to pawn shops and collectors around town. They paid well for the weapons, so I have around 70,500 Romanian Leu (roughly 15,000 US dollars)."

"That's good. Okay, so where to next?" Atalanta smiles, and Tatsumi leads the way towards the clothing store. As they enter, Atalanta asks, "So, what do you think will happen to the new Saber of Black?" Tatsumi narrows his eyes in thought.

"He has a lot of potential, but he's also extremely naive. Unless he changes that, he'll end up getting killed," Tatsumi replies, not showing much concern.

Atalanta thinks about the battle from yesterday. "So are you worried about your name possibly being revealed from you using your noble phantasm?" she asks, recalling his armor. However, Tatsumi shakes his head.

"No, it doesn't matter if my name gets revealed," the servant says with a slight smirk, causing Atalanta to look at him curiously. "Why?" she asks, hoping he doesn't think he's invincible.

"Because I've tried to find any mention of my name or the kingdoms I was a part of, but I couldn't find anything. So, I've come up with two possibilities: either I come from such ancient history that there are barely any records of me in this world, so regardless there wont be much info about me" Tatsumi explains to his Archer servant.

He contemplates his different classes and isn't sure how to feel about his last one.

"I see you're positive about this?" the archer asks, and Tatsumi nods without hesitation, causing Atalanta to smile. "I see, that gives us a huge advantage, even when the red faction turns against each other," the Archer says happily, knowing that it increases their chances of achieving their now shared wish.

"We're here," Tatsumi says, looking at the expensive-looking exterior of the clothing store. They enter the store.

"Hello, can I assist you with anything?" an employee asks, and Tatsumi shakes his head in response.

"No, we're just browsing for now," Tatsumi says casually, and the employee nods.

"Alright, let me know if you need any help," they say, and the two of them start walking through the store.

"What kind of clothing are you looking for?" Tatsumi asks Atalanta, curious if she has anything specific in mind.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, but something comfortable would be best. Maybe a sweater," Atalanta replies, and Tatsumi nods.

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