Old | Ch.6 || Kill The Beginning Of The Grand Battle

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Tatsumi and Atalanta walk back, wearing small smiles, as they reach the door and open it. Inside, they find Achilles waiting for them. "So, how was your date with the Virgin Hunter?" the curious rider asks.

"It wasn't a date," Atalanta replies smoothly, not missing a beat, which causes the rider to chuckle. "If you say so, sis. Anyway, Shirou came back and mentioned that we'll be changing our base soon," Tatsumi interjects, looking intrigued by Achilles's words.

"Where to?" the berserker inquires. "I have no idea. He just said he'll come to pick us up later. But I did hear an interesting rumor," the red rider says casually before turning serious as he looks at Tatsumi.

"There have been a series of murders happening in Bucharest. So far, there have been 15 victims. One of the newspapers even titled it 'The Return of Jack the Ripper.' I'm sure you understand what that means," Achilles reveals, and Tatsumi quickly pieces it together.

"There's a high likelihood that it's Assassin of Black," Tatsumi says gravely, and Achilles nods in agreement. Tatsumi takes a moment to think. "Normally, I would go investigate, but my instincts are telling me not to," he states, and Achilles shrugs.

-[Mini time skip]-

Tatsumi currently finds himself seated in the throne room of a castle, which now serves as their new base.

Tatsumi currently finds himself seated in the throne room of a castle, which now serves as their new base

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"I can't believe they went through all the trouble of building an entire castle for this war... I thought it was supposed to be a secret," Tyrant exclaimed, surprise evident in his voice. Tatsumi nodded in agreement, taking a bite of his meat and contemplating. Thinking of how everything looked upside down

"The food is delicious, Atalanta. Thank you," Tatsumi expressed his gratitude, earning a small smile and nod from her.

"It's just a deer I stumbled upon on my way here," the hunter of Artemis explained casually. Tatsumi glanced around the room, noticing Achilles and Karna relaxing without a care in the world. Achilles lay on the ground, gazing up at the ceiling.

Just then, Shirou entered the room, apologizing for the delay. The Assassin shrugged and sighed, clearly exasperated by Shirou's apology.

"Don't worry, Master. They were simply indulging themselves and passing the time," the Assassin of Red remarked, causing Achilles and Atalanta to turn away. Tatsumi continued eating, unfazed by the conversation.

"Well, it's alright," Semiramis interjected, taking a seat on the throne. "Where is Caster?" she inquired, prompting Achilles to respond while still lying down.

"Caster has secluded himself in his workshop," Achilles explained, prompting Shirou to look towards the door. "Should I go fetch him?" Shirou offered, but Semiramis chuckled softly.

"Hahaha, Master. If you go and summon him like that, it'll seem like you're running errands. I'll contact him through telepathic communication," the Assassin said, playfully waving two fingers. Five minutes later, the final person entered the room, receiving irritated glances from everyone present.

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