Chapter 4 : The Test

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Two mysterious figures stood quietly as they stared off the cliff. The first, a boy with pinkish hair, and the other, a younger girl in a flowery yukata. They both donned fox masks over their faces - each one with its own unique markings.

"It seems like another one has come to join us," the girl spoke with an airy tone.

"So it seems." The boy nodded, responding briefly.

"Shall we go greet them then?" A grin danced on the girl's face as she looked over at her partner.

For a moment, the boy observed the view below with narrowed eyes.

"No, not yet."

□ ○ □ ○ □

Nezuko felt her knees begin to buckle as she followed Urokodaki further up the mountain. Ahh... My feet hurt... How much longer until we get there? She peeked at the elder in front of her who showed no signs of stopping.

She had left her brother back at the old man's house which made it slightly easier to move, though she was still exhausted from their earlier encounter. Her forearm had also been hastily wrapped in bandages prior to their ascent and thus, wasn't bothering her as much.

"Before I decide to take you in as a student, you must first pass a simple test," Urokodaki explained as he led her through a forest.

A test, huh? I wonder what it will be... Nezuko pondered, trying to distract herself from her aching feet. Hopefully, it's nothing too difficult...

After a long hike, the old man finally halted in the middle of a clearing with a tired Nezuko trailing behind him. "...Are we here?" the girl asked, scanning the area expectantly. Only trees and bushes surrounded them. "What's the test?"

"The test is to make your way back down from here," the old man told her, pointing in the direction they came from.

"...Huh?" She blinked in surprise. "Is... Is that it?"

"Yes. That is it." He nodded without any further explanation. "Successfully descend and you will complete the test."

"Really? That's all I have to do?" Nezuko arched her brow, waiting for some sort of catch.

"Yes, that's all." Giving her a last glance, he said, "This time, though, I won't wait for you until daybreak." A screen of thick fog then fell over his body and just like that, Urokodaki was gone.

All I need to do is make my way back? That sounds simple enough. Suddenly filled with determination, Nezuko clenched her fists. "Alright! Let's do this!!" Picking a random path, she inhaled, then raced down at full speed.

For the first few minutes, her descent was fairly easy. Aside from a couple of stray bushes and stones in the way, she was able to get through no problem. Almost halfway there! Keep going, Nezuko!!

She moved her foot forward and without warning, a flurry of rocks had been hurled at her. "Ah!" the girl winced, holding her cheek. What was that?! With another step, the ground beneath her suddenly gave way and she fell face-first into a ditch.

"Urk...!" Nezuko groaned. Nothing but a pile of dry leaves at the bottom broke her fall. Slowly pulling herself up, she rubbed her lower back. This pit... Don't tell me... is this part of the test?

She took a deep breath and pressing her fingers and feet against the dirt wall, carefully climbed upwards. This put strain on her injury, causing her to momentarily grimace before continuing. Once out of the hole, she dusted the grime off her clothes and hands. Okay... let's just be extra careful this time, she reminded herself as she resumed her journey.

Unfortunately for Nezuko, however, that was much easier said than done.

Spotting hidden contraptions in a forest under the darkness of night was difficult. Needless to say, trap after trap was set off with every step she took. Pebbles and logs came flying out of nowhere, colliding against her fragile body as well as bruising it. Following a misplaced foot, the girl tripped and rolled down the slope only to fall victim to a pitfall below.

She hissed in pain as her back hit the ground. Ugh... This is... harder than I thought! Reaching out her arms, she gripped onto the edge of the pit tightly and gradually brought herself up. Darn it! I can't just keep running down the mountain aimlessly... I won't make it back in time like this!

Standing straight, she faced towards the path before her and closed her eyes. Alright, concentrate Nezuko... All living things have auras. Plants and animals, though much fainter, have auras just like people. Right, so find their auras!

She snapped her eyes open and a wave of translucent, nearly transparent colours entered her vision. Focus on them, Nezuko! And then... And then block them out! Block out their presence! That way... the traps will be in sight!!

Instantly, the colours vanished and as if she had tunnel vision, only the ground in front of her and the chain of tripwires that led through the forest were present in her mind. Yes, I can see them!! With a surge of confidence, she dashed forwards.

Using the flexibility gained from learning her family's ritual dance, Nezuko gracefully slipped past several traps. The girl then leapt into a web of tripwires that blocked the road ahead. She almost made it out when her foot suddenly got snagged on one of the cords. This prompted four long bamboo shoots to spring up from the ground and slam onto the young Kamado who shielded herself with her arms.

This mistake threw Nezuko off balance and she staggered, triggering another set of traps. She swiftly crouched down as more projectiles were set loose above her. Dummy! Being able to see them... won't matter if you can't even avoid them!!

Rising to her feet, Nezuko began to quicken her descent. Whether she stepped on any wires or fell into any ditches, she would simply get out and continue running. The girl could no longer waste time for daybreak was coming soon. Make it down! Make it down!! For the sake of your brother...! You have to make it down the mountain!!

□ ○ □ ○ □

Urokodaki gazed at the little demon sleeping peacefully in the futon beside him. You were right, Giyu... The boy has shown no signs of hunger despite having starved for days. A true anomaly.

He turned his eyes from Tanjiro to the front door and mused. In a short while, the Sun would rise and its rays would filter in through the crevices of the door. By then, the fate of the Kamado siblings would be decided.

As for the girl...

Ka-chack! Before he could finish his thought, the wooden panel slid open sharply. There, in its entrance, stood a gasping Nezuko, all battered and bruised with her kimono drenched in sweat and leaves.

"...I'm... back..." she forced out. "I've... completed... the test..." As soon as those words left her mouth, the girl fell against the door frame and drifted off.

Seeing this, Urokodaki then walked over and gently covered her body with a woollen blanket. As the old man glanced outside, he sighed lightly.

"Kamado Nezuko. I accept you as my student."

- - - - -

Finally, the training arc will begin next chapter!

FYI: Each breathing technique will be explained as how I've interpreted them and may vary from the original series.

As always, feedback is much appreciated!!

Word Count : 1234

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