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I laugh humorously as Rosa mocks Mateo's walk. It's been hours since they arrived & I've never been happier. Vanessa & I hold each other's hands as we laugh at Rosa's foolish acts.

"That idiot speed walks." Rosa laughs. She swings the half empty Hennessy bottle around.

"That is so accurate though." I laugh. Mateo does walk pretty fast. He's tall but so am I, & I can't barely keep up with his long strides.

Vanessa's phone begins to ring & Rosa snaps her neck in her direction. We stare at Vanessa then at her phone, Apollo's contact name lighting up on her phone.

"Answer your man sis." I smile & she giggles.

She answers the phone & puts the call on speaker. Rosa rushes over to us & sits beside Vanessa, her cheek connecting with hers.

"All in my business." Vanessa laughs humorously & I shrug.

"Hello?" She smiles, her brown eyes glistening in happiness.

"Hey princessa." Apollo's speaks, I can hear the happiness & excitement in the tone of his voice.

"Hi." She speaks shyly & I laugh softly.

"What are you doing, beautiful?" He asks. Rosa & I look at each other before smiling.

"I'm just having fun. You?"

"Thinking of ways to impregnate you again." He speaks boldly & I gasp. Rosa snorts & Vanessa's eyes widen.

"Oop." I whisper.

"He needs to cut it off." Rosa whispers & I snort. I nod my head in agreement.

"Nigga! Oh my God!" Vanessa laughs. She stands from the couch.

"Am I on speaker princessa?" He laughs & Vanessa smiles, she quickly walks into the kitchen.

"Girl I'm nosey, don't leave us in the dark!" Rosa shouts & I hear Apollo's deep chuckle.

"Hi Madre." He speaks & Rosa scoffs.

"Hello pendejo!" Rosa retorts & I laugh loudly.

"Valerie is here too." Vanessa smiles at me & I wave. I mentally slap myself for doing it, he can't see me.

"Valerie?! Hey lil sis! I haven't seen yo ass in years." He chuckles & I smile.

I haven't seen Apollo, Milo or Leo since Mateo & I had parted ways. I had met them when Mateo introduced me to his family. Leo & I were closer & had a stronger bond.

Apollo & I were also close, but we spent most of the time coming at each other's necks. Milo & I were friends too but I was the talkative one & he just listened.

"Mateo's fault!" I shout.

"Of course it is." He chuckles.

"Can I talk to my man now?" Vanessa speaks, a smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah. Go ahead & hear the many ways he can impregnate you." I mocked Apollo's voice & Vanessa laughs beautifully. She heads out to the backyard & shuts the glass door behind her.

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