The Begining.

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The first thing that Caden woke up to was his mom telling him to get up. "CADEN! Caden, if you don't get up, we're going to be late for school. " Said Thoriel, Caden's Goat Mom.

"Ok, Ok I'm getting up. Geez," Caden replied.

"Ok, I'll go wait by the car for you." Said Thoriel

Caden got up to get dressed and brush his teeth. After he did that, he went to his mom's car and they went to the school. Once he got to school, he was 5 minutes late. "Shoot, I'm late"

Caden said to himself as he walked into my science class. My teacher was Mrs. Ophys. Caden had heard Mrs, Ophys be called a "Nerdy Yellow Dinosaur Thing." Along with a teacher, Mrs. Ophys was also an inventor. One of the ghosts that live in home, the neighborhood that he lives in, Capstablook, or as he is known as now, Bettaton, a body to perform with. She and the old science teacher, Mr. Faster, both made the New Home Power Plant. The New Home Power Plant is called the New Home Power Plant because there was an accident within the Old Home Power Plant. After the incident happened, the Power Plant exploded, and became known as "The Ruins". Last year, when I was in Mr. Persons' Geography class, we took a field trip to the ruins as a sort of fun but also an educational trip. Unfortunately, Mr. Person died at the very start of this year on January 3rd, 202X."

"Oh, hi Caden. We were just picking our groups for the project that we are doing this month." She spoke. After that, my classmate Susy came in late. After she came in, the teacher asked her to go get some chalk, since she was the last one to come in, she had to go get the chalk. "Hey, Caden, can you go and make sure she's not like eating it or something?" (Maybe a bit of foreshadowing?) Mrs. Ophys said.

"Ok," Caden said.

Caden went out into the hallway and saw Susy eating all of the chalk.

"Ummmm, Susy, I thought you were supposed to be getting chalk, not eating it," he said.

"UMMMMM, I didn't eat any chalk what do you mean?" Susy said.

"Susy, you literally have white powder on you," Caden replied.

"Alright fine. You caught me. But if you say A SINGLE WORD to anyone about this, then you're the one that I'm going to be eating next. Got that?" Susy said, threateningly.

"Yes, I got that," Caden said scared by her comment on him catching her.

"Good, now, let's go check the closet for more chalk. If there isn't any more chalk, then we'll just go tell Mrs. Ophys that we couldn't find anymore. Also, just one more thing," Susy said. "NOSY PEOPLE MAKE ME MAD".

"O-o-o-ok," Caden said.

When they got to the closest, Susy opened the door and It looked REALLY DARK. "Hey, uh, Caden? Is it just me, or is it REALLY dark in there? It's like pitch black in there." Susy said.

"Nope, that's not just you. There's gotta be a light switch somewhere in their though". Caden said as they walked into the closet.

There were a bunch of papers on the floor, and as they walked into the closet, the papers that seemed to make up the floor fell. "UHH CADEN? WHATS GOING ON?" Susy asked.

"I DON'T KNOW! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" Caden said, panicking.

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