A Darkeners World

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After they finished falling, Caden and Susy got separated.

"Gosh dang it. Where the heck am I? I guess I'll just go and explore.". Caden said. Caden went and walked around for a bit and found a shiny glowing thing. "What the heck is this thing?" Caden asked. "I haven't seen something like this before. Maybe if I reach out to it, it will help me find Susy or something." Caden reached out to the glowing star-shaped thing and words popped up. "Huh? What does that say? OH! I can read it now. It says 'you reach out and...'". Caden read. All of a sudden, a screen popped up. Caden. LV1. Save. Return. "The heck? Why does this look like a video game save point screen? I guess I'll just press save," Caden said. When Caden Pressed save, the words on the screen changed to "Caden. LV1.???. File Saved." "Oooook then. I guess this IS like a video game save point". Caden said. "Anyway, I'm going to try to find Susy now," Caden said. The world was dark and the walls had eyeball things in them. There was a puzzle, but Caden solved it pretty easily. There were cotton things everywhere in the next room, so Caden searched them. The last one he searched, he found his missing purple dinosaur companion, Susy.


"Woah, chill out Susy, it's just me, Caden," Caden said.

"Oh, hi," Susy said. Anyway, WHERE THE HECK ARE WE CADEN?" Susy asked.

"I don't know. I landed a few rooms back and figured I might as well try to find you." Caden Replied.

" Oh, ok," Susy said. After that, Caden and Susy walked around for a bit and found a castle town.

"Umm, I guess we should go into that big castle thing," Caden said to Susy.

"Ok," Susy replied. They went there and met a figure in a dark cloak.

"Hello, Caden and Susy," said the figure in the cloak.

"UMMMM WHO ARE YOU?" asked Susy.

"Worry not, as I am not your enemy. I am Rolsay, prince of the dark." said Rolsay.

Oh, ok" said Caden and Susy. "Anyway, there is a legend down here. Would you like to hear it?" Rolsay asked.

"Sure, why not," said Caden.

"Ok, it goes like this. 'Once upon a time, a legend was whispered among shadows. It was a legend of hope. A legend of Dreams. It was a legend of light. A legend of the dark. This is the legend of the RELTADUNE. For years, Light and Dark have lived in harmony and kept peace in the world. But, if this harmony shattered, a terrible calamity would occur. The Sky, once beautiful, would run black with terror. And the land, once peaceful, would crack with fear. Then, people's hearts pounding, the world would end. Only then, filled with hope, three heroes would appear at the worlds edge. The three heroes would be A human, A monster, And A dark prince. Only those three heroes can seal the dark fountains, and banish the excess darkness. Only then, would the balance between light and dark be restored, And the world brought back. Today, the original dark fountain is the one that creates this land. The Dark World, Stands tall over my kingdom. But, as of recent, another dark fountain has appeared on the horizon. And with that fountain existing, the balance between light and dark, shifts."' Rolsay told Caden and Susy. "Thank you, heroes, for listing to my tale. So, Caden, Susy, will you accept your fates and seal the fountains? Rolsay asked.

"Mmmmm, Nah," Susy said.

"w-w-w-wait what?" Rolsay asked.

"Nah, I don't think I will seal these fountain things. I just want to go home, to be honest." Susy said. And with that, Susy left.

"Umm, well Caden, will you help seal the fountains?" Rolsay asked as he took off his cloak to reveal a dark face with green clothes, a hat, and glasses.

"Yeah, sure," Caden replied.

"Oh, really?" Rolsay asked.

"Yeah, it actually sounds kind of fun". Caden said.

"Ok! Well, I'll need to give you a tutorial of how things work down here."Rolsay said.

"Ok," said Caden. And so, they went to go do a tutorial.

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