Chapter 5

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I was at work.

It was late. So late that no customers seemed to be coming in. I worked the late hours on Saturday.

Last night was... well eventful, I guess. I left Daniel's house, not completely sure where our friendship stood anymore. I convinced myself not to go into the forest, in fear that Daniel and his "new pack" might be out there. So, I went home and actually did my homework for once in my life and went to bed early.

My drunken mother surprisingly noticed the wrapping around my arm. I didn't expect her to notice and was completely caught off guard when she asked about it. I told her I got into a fight, which wasn't too hard to believe. I mean, it was the truth- I just didn't tell her about the part where a giant-ass wolf broke my arm.


All day Saturday I sat inside. I wanted to go out into the forest, but I couldn't get myself to. So I locked myself in my room. My phone had been blowing up all day with text messages from a certain nerd. My idiotic mother even let Daniel in the house when he decided to come over unannounced. Well, maybe he texted me saying he was coming over, but I wouldn't know. I refused to let myself read any of the text messages, because I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

And I just hated reading. Especially, when I was reading Daniel's writing.

I mean, he used all these giant-ass words and placed all these commas everywhere and... other punctuation marks that I didn't understand. It gave me headaches honestly.

Anyways, Daniel came over and pounded on my door for about an hour before he left. He probably wanted to go back and play with his new friends. That was one of the rare things Daniel and I had in common- we both weren't used to having friends. Well, I guess Daniel was used to it now.

I eventually stopped myself from thinking about it any further, so later that night I got ready for work and there I was.

At Billy Bob's Burgers.

Standing behind a counter, in front of cash register with an apron on.

Billy Bob's Burgers was the most fucking unbelievably, broke shithole you've ever see in your life. The food was horrendous, the service was crappy (thanks to me, I'm proud to say), the building was like a million years old, the roof was practically caved in, there was a hole in the wall by the front door, the window had a hole in it also (and the broken glass was still lying on the floor), and I'm pretty sure the manager kept his pit-bull in the backroom without the owner knowing.

At least it was an interesting job.

I watched different type of people walk in and out of this shitty place all night long. Some had funny accents, others wore what looked like ancient clothing from the 1800's, some treated the restaurant like fucking castle, and other's seemed to spend their whole lives trying to report this place to the city.

It was a job, at least.

Plus, I liked finding most of my humor at the customers' expense. But honestly, anyone who walked into Billy Bob's Burgers from anywhere from 6pm-11pm at night, didn't feel like "customers". I felt like they were walking into this place for my own amusement.

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