Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-

I woke up to a car honking.

It was so obnoxiously loud that I actually got out of bed. Still half asleep, I stumbled over towards the window and threw it open, allowing the fresh morning air to flood into the bedroom.

A familiar black truck was parked in my driveway.

The honking stopped once I opened the front door of the house. I was still in my pajamas, which consisted of the same sweatpants and t-shirt I wore to the horrendous dinner hosted by my mother last night. But somehow I wasn't freezing my ass off. It was actually warm outside, like it had been yesterday.

Despite the nice weather, I grumbled as I made my way down the front porch and all the way up to the driver's window. It was already rolled down. It was too early for me to feel surprised to see him at my house. He stared down at me from inside the truck. I glared up at him.

"My neighbors are going to kill you if you keep honking that horn."

The gray storm clouds may have disappeared for the time being, but his eyes were more gray than ever. They glittered with amusement.

"Good thing I'm a werewolf."

"I'm going to kill you if you keep honking that horn."

He hesitated. "Good thing I'm a bigger werewolf."

I didn't even bother responding to that one. "Why are you here?"

Colton shrugged and leaned his arm casually on the window. He was unconsciously showing off by flexing his bicep as he leaned his head out of the truck. I could feel the heat warm my cheeks as his eyes studied my face. I was regretting not even bothering to run a brush through my hair before I stepped outside.

"I'm taking you to school," he said.

I was quickly pissed off.

"Did Daniel ask you to do that?" I was going to wring his neck.

"No..." I was about the accuse him of being a liar when he said, "Mason did."


"And you said that you couldn't be late again in that supply closet yesterday. So, I thought I'd do you a favor."

I was about to say something really mean when he cut me off for a second time. "Plus, I have your backpack. You left it in my truck." I vaguely remembered throwing it in the bed before disappearing into the forest. I wanted to kick myself. "I hope you didn't have any homework."

It wasn't like it was going to get done anyways.

"I'm not ready," I told him, running a hand through my bedhead self-consciously.

He reached over and turned the key in the ignition, killing the engine of his truck. He relaxed back in the driver's seat.

"You've got ten minutes."

I couldn't remember the last time I had any time to get ready for school. Ten minutes felt like a lifetime compared to what I was used to. It was nice not to rush, but I was even more thankful that I wasn't tired. I had gotten a lot of sleep last night, probably due to my exhaustion from what happened yesterday with the river. There was still a little pain at the base of my throat, but overall, I felt better.

The morning sun shining through my bedroom window was something I hadn't seen in a while. It gave me hope that today would be hot, but I tried not to get too carried away. I ended up ditching my regular hoodie and opted for a simple t-shirt and my pair of ripped jeans. I even went as far as to take off my stupid cast, freeing my right arm. The cloth was still damp from the "dip" in the river from the day before, and it was starting to irritate my skin. It was a relief to have it off.

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