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DAR: Fear

I hadn't left Yash's hands even after Abhijeet's constant attempt to make me rest. I had called Ishika and requested her to pick up Aarush from the school and to conceal the truth for a few hours. I wasn't sure if Aarush was prepared to glance at his dada in such a condition.

I averted my gaze from a sleeping Yash. "How did the accident take place?" My sudden inquiry made Abhijeet jerk his head from the cell.

"The truck was coming from the other direction and it seemed like Yash was at fault. His mind wasn't at the moment." He muttered, glancing in Yash's direction. "He was going to meet the rest of us at the airport. He had walked from the office in a rush, had mentioned he had to complete some work before leaving." I nodded, aware of what work he had to complete. He wanted to meet me before ending on a month business trip. But his that decision was going to make him handicap.

"Isn't there any hope?" I felt an urge to inquire.

"You don't have to worry. Dad is talking with some specialist, there would be a way out. Maybe it would take days but there is still hope and will always be." I pressed a smile at his positive spirit. He hardly seemed a guy, who lose his cool over a situation. Until it was something of high important to him. Such as things concerning his friend.

"I never wanted to wound you with my words." Suddenly he apologized making me stare at him in astonishment. "I wanted to make you realise how on your path of denial, you were hurting both of you." He eyed the human laying on the bed. "Maybe my method was rude but my intention wasn't..." his eyes diverted to me again. "Yash won't have ever asked you something in return. He isn't such a creature..." Abhijeet paused for a second. "I couldn't witness him shuttering into pieces. He loves you more than his life. Fucking! On the verge of losing his conscience after the accident, his only concern was you. He had warned me not to say a word about him to you." He chuckled at the end shaking his head.

"You both are same... loves each other over ones' happiness." He had a small smile. "Maybe such love still exists... and if it does, I would like to experience it as well..." he ended it with a series of chuckles.


Few days later...

"Doctor hadn't denied me from having pohe..." Yash made innocent faces as he gazed at the pohe kept at the distance. I glared at him eyeing the bowl of soup in my hand.

"But you are drinking soup for few days." It was rather command making him to plead me with his eyes.

"I want to eat food made by you..." Only I was aware how I was holding back my smile.

"Soup is made by me as well." He gave a defeated look before opening his mouth in submission.

"Yash!" Suddenly the door of the room was pushed open and our eyes glanced at the direction. "Yash..." Aai stood on the entrance, gasping for breath. It seemed as if she had rushed throughout the corridor. "Beta..." and soon she took rushing steps to reach to his son. I stood from the chair next to him providing them with space. As I kept the bowl in the table next to his bed.

"Aai, how did you..." Yash wasn't provided to complete his statement as he was showered with lots of scolding. He deserved it, for forcing us to hell. I soon discovered presence of Yukta. She was staring at Yash with concern but soon her eyes got locked with me. An emotion of something flashed into those orbs.

"Why didn't you inform me?" Aai's sudden scream made me to jerk my eyes from Yukta. "Don't I have any right to know about my son? Are you so against me?" Her accusing orbs were fixed on me. I opened my mouth to justify but Yash was faster than me.

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