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"If you want Xiao to like you, you can start by not drooling," Lumine said, elbowing my side to make me realize my unattractive action.

Xiao looked so hot as usual, and his beauty makes me want to space out and stare. "Can't you blame me for being such a bucket meal?"

She rolled her eyes, then chuckled. "You're not wrong about that."

However, the girls surrounding him bothered me because he is quite popular on campus, along with his two friends, and it made me jealous and ruined the good mood.

"Yikes. It must be hard to have so many rivals."

I sighed and responded, "Yes. It's torture."

She patted me on the back and smiled. "Best of luck."

She left after that and met up with Amber. I want to wait for my crush and go to the classroom together. But it was impossible when girls had their arms around him. So I went ahead alone.

I never thought that we would actually study at the same school because, after senior year, Xiao didn't tell me where he wanted to go to college.

My aunt offered me and my sister to study at Teyvat University. We rejected her at first because that school may be famous for its excellence in education, but the tuition fees are way too expensive. But we were forced to agree in the end.

I took a Literature course, and my sister took an English major. It surprised me that Xiao went to the same school and program as me.

• Classroom •

In class, a boy with short twin braids that fade into aqua at the tips greeted me happily. "Good morning!"

"You looked happy today," I said, putting my bag under my seat before sitting down.

Venti twirled his tips flirtatiously and replied, "What? Today is just a great day to be in a good mood."

Lucky you.

"And what seems to be the occasion?"

He smiled and leaned closer to my ears as he whispered his answer. "Because my birthday will happen around this month, and I can feel that my love life is around the corner."

"And if it doesn't?"

He glared at me. "I will paint the world black."

"How creative!" I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.

"And what about you? Did you and Xiao take it to the next level?" he asked, wriggling his eyebrows.

I sighed. "I wish, but you know how dense he is. And he looked busy with the ladies around him at the hall."

"Jealousy at its finest."

We were surprised when a boy with navy blue hair slammed his bag on his desk. "God, you scared me."

Xingqui fished out a notebook from his bag, ripping a page into tiny pieces and whining. "Yun is a jerk. He didn't even see me and let those girls cling around him."

Chongyun is his boyfriend. He has light blue hair and cat eyes. He loves to wear white hoodies and eat cold dishes since his tongue is so sensitive to hot and spicy food. He's a friend of Xiao's.

"Now, that made me realize something. Is this a coincidence or did the both of you plan to leave me out of place? Because you two had the same situation since your boyfriends flock to the same circle of friends," Venti complained, placing his hands on his hips.

"Correction. Xiao isn't my boyfriend."


"Bitch, we know that you two will end up together anyway."

I smiled. "Well, Kazuha seems single, so you could date him if you want to."

He was disgusted by my suggestion and dramatically acted as if he were about to puke. "Are you kidding me? He is so not my type."

Kazuha is Xiao's other friend. He has medium-length hair that is platinum blonde. In their group, he's the kind and softie one since he always had a sweet and gentle tone.

"What? He's cute."

He scoffed. "Still a no."

I rolled my eyes. "But you didn't deny that he's cute."

He blushed and crossed his arms. "Cute or not, no means no."

"Hello? Have you two forgotten that I'm having a breakdown here?" Xi said.

"I'm with you."

"You know, the two of you should audition as actors because both of you are naturals at being dramatic," Venti commented.

"How helpful of you to provide us with useless information!" I sarcastically responded.

"You are welcome," he replied with a fake smile on his face.

"But Xi, you know your boyfriend better than anyone. He probably didn't see you because of the crowd. And he's famous on the campus, so it's expected that he would have admirers."

I can feel that his mood got lighter since he smiled at me. "What you feel right now is totally understandable because it's the same for me too, except that we weren't in a relationship."

He wiped the tears off. "Yes, you're right. I'm sorry for being dramatic. Wow, that actually made me feel better."

Venti clapped his hands. "Spoken like a true expert."

"Stop! You flattered me."

"Question: how come Kazuha isn't your type?" Xi asked while cleaning up the mess he made.

"I'm more into a bad boy look, and he's not like that. Besides, I don't think he wants to have a relationship with someone," he answered.

"So, that's your type? A red flag?"

"Uh, judger, much? I said bad boy look, not a bad boy personality. Plus, I want someone who is a perfect divine creation made from the archons like me," he said, flipping his hair.

"You should see an optometrist to get your eyes checked," Xi replied.

"Agreed. Because perfect and divine don't add up if it's about you."

He rolled his eyes. "You are both bitches."

I winked. "You just noticed that now? We are born with it."

Xi chuckled. "You both made me laugh."

Venti gasped. "Is being a comedian our future job now?"

"Sorry. But my future job is to be with my crush," I confidently said, which made them smirk and exchange looks.

"May the archons bless you in your love life," Xi said.

"You have fallen in love so deeply," Venti commented.

I blushed. "I do. He's the reason why my heart beats so fast."

I squealed and felt like there were butterflies in my stomach. Until a deep voice interrupted our conversation, which widened my eyes. "Who?"


Author's Note:

Dear Lord Barbatos,

I did not mean to make you single for the rest of the story, so do not punish me from the heavens.

Sincerely yours,
Author-chan 💀

Sincerely yours,Author-chan 💀

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