Chapter 5 - The Square

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Ochaco POV:

I leave the office in the evening in a hurry, quickly saying bye to Kyoka.

"Bye! Good luck!" she calls after me.


I hurry outside and put on my brown coat and pink scarf as a shield against the cold winter wind.

It's 7:37. I have to get to the square in 23 minutes!

I get in the car, I can take it since Kyoka's getting a ride with Yaomomo, and drive out of the parking lot.

The wind is fierce tonight, whipping through the trees and giving the world the sound of rustling leaves.

I turn on some music, and the notes of a song begin to play through the car's speakers.

I like this song.

Wolves, by Selena Gomez.

I begin to sing along.

"I'm am running through the jungle, I am running with the wolves, to get to you, to get to you, I've been down the darkest alleys, on the dark side of the moon, to get to you, to get to you,"

I sing along louder as the wind whips harder and I drive faster.

I get out onto a road leading to the square. I'm almost there.

"I looked for love in every stranger, took too much to ease the anger, all for you, yea all for you,"

I'm going to meet my soulmate. After all these years.

"To get to you, to get to you,"

The music fills my entire being until it feels like a part of me. I'm going to find my soulmate. I'm almost there, I'm almost-


I stop the car just in time.

The wind has blown over a huge tree.

Right across the entire road.

"Shit!" I swear.

I look at the clock.


I'm running out of time.

I swerve out of the war of the tree and make an illegal U-turn. Who's gonna stop me really, what else was I supposed to do?

I speed into a parking lot and hurriedly park the car, jumping out.

I parked terribly.

Oh well.

Then I start to run.

I run and run in the direction of the square, the wind tearing at me fiercely, my heart pounding in my ears.

Did I make it!?


Not bad. Almost exactly on time.

I race into the square.

It's 8:00 on a Monday, but it's deserted.

Well, almost deserted.

That's when I see him.

Bakugo POV:

I arrive a minute early, at 7:59.

The wind is crazy, I hope she's making it through ok.

I wait a minute.


Why isn't she here yet?

"Calm down, you can't expect her to be exactly on time," I say to no one but myself.

Yea, but I really wish she'd hurry up, my brain responds in the girl, Ochaco's voice.

When Deku called me to tell me that he was certain it was her, he only told me a few things. Her name, even though I already knew it, where to meet her, and that he thought that she was the one.

Of course, I pretended like I knew that too, telling him that I told him so.

But deep down, I still can't believe it. I'm not sure I ever did.

Can this girl really be my soulmate?

I check my watch just as it hits 8:02.

These have felt like the longest three minutes of my life.

Where is she?

Then, there she is.

A girl comes rushing into the square.

She has brown hair, and is dressed in black pants, a heavy tan coat, and a pink scarf.

She turns, noticing me.

And she stands completely still.

We just stare at each other.

"Is it you!?" she cries, finally, after all the silence.

"I could ask you the same question!" I yell back, "My name is Katsuki Bakugo!"

"Ochaco Uraraka!"

Ochaco Uraraka.

As soon as the words leave her lips, something changes.

My own voice comes slamming back into my head.

It's her!

Ochaco clutches her head and I know she's feeling the same thing.

We're both having to get used to hearing our own voices again.

"So i guess it is you!" she says loudly.

We're still standing on opposite sides of the square.

"Yea," I say, "Yea. I've finally found you."

Ochaco nods, wiping her face.

Is she crying?

I take a step towards her, but I don't have to go any further before the distance between us is closed.

Because Ochaco runs to me.

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