Chapter 5: Floor 65 and a Little Extra

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Back with the expedition team, they had arrived at the end of Floor 63 and were preparing to explore the unknown lands of Floor 64. All they knew was that it was cold as hell and they were glad that they packed something warm to wear.

Callisto: You know, I would've liked it if the endless snow and ice ended like a floor ago.

Maxim: I'm sure we all would, but there's nothing we can do about it now. It may only be two floors, but the sheer size of them means we'll be spending the remainder of our time simply exploring.

Alexander: I'm ready to start the next set of maps whenever. *Holding pencil and paper*

And so, they moved out once more. A full week on that floor alone gave then lots of valuable information. Some being the monsters on that floor. First was powerful bear monsters with white fur. Alone, they were around mid level 5 in strength, but in a group they could be a whole level higher. The same couldn't be said about the so called "Frost Ogres" they also encountered. The way those fought was radically different from the bears, and thus made them even more dangerous in a group. They needed to take frequent breaks as their supporters got worn down quickly. Interestingly, some trees had frozen fruits on them that were quite filling if you were able to melt the ice encasing them. Without them, their supplies would have run out much faster. Right now, they were nearing a valuable landmark.

Alexander: What's that? Over there!

He pointed to a strange looking stairwell that looked frozen over.

Io: Is that the entrance?

Maxim: We should be on guard. No telling what's going to meet us on the bottom.

They cautiously made their way down and were careful not to slip on the ice.

Callisto: Alright, next time we come down here, mark down extra spikes for our boots.

When they got down, they came to an open area still covered in ice. Some large mounds of it still stuck out of the ground as many groaned in annoyance.

Zald: By Zeus, why is there still ice?!

Alexander: Well, at least we're here. Floor 65 and in decent time.

They kept moving some more until their survival instincts screamed. They drew their weapons as several roars were heard before Zald and Alexander had to jump back from a blast of ice that would've frozen them to the bone if they hadn't.

Europa: Above us!!

Looking up, they saw a group of blue and white wyverns flying above them and preparing to launch another barrage of attacks.

Io: No you don't!

She fired three arrows and exploded the heads of three, but two were still unaccounted for. They flew down to attack, but Maxim quickly smashed one into the ground while Europa finished a chant of her which froze the other before it shattered to pieces. They got a chance to breathe which was a relief.

Zald: Great, flyers are down here too.

Callisto: Well, at least Io can handle them.

Io: If they all come at once, I'll need a hand.

Europa: In any case, let's continue. We have a few weeks to spare so, we can spend a few more days exploring here before we bring the whole expedition team back up.

Back on the surface, the other group was also busy. Many days of practicing his magic made Silver even more adept with it than before. Quick bursts was his preference and that was effective and efficient in that it got the job done and conserved his mind. Though, the constant banter from Jupiter hadn't changed at all.

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