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Could anyone imagine a planet where multiple entities exist? Are all supernatural creatures dangerous? Why do not they all live in one realm, why do they have to be separate? Do they harm each other? For the safety of everyone, and especially humans, the planet has always been divided into two realms, one made up of humans and one made up of supernatural beings such as warlocks, fairies, demons, angels, and so on. Of course, all the lands exist in both realms, there are demons that come from Uruguay and angels from India. By separating them, it is easier for both to do no harm, no matter what it is. People should not be aware of supernatural entities, and they should be careful when they are attacked by those who absolutely must disobey the laws. Laws are reasonable and made precisely for living in harmony and not in danger. When living in a monarchy, under a couple consisting of an angelic king and a demon queen, everyone must obey their orders and always be at their service. There are no complaints, because life is simple and everyone can be friends with anyone they want. During the peace that surrounds them, romantic relationships are also to be made.


A certain group of friends consisting of nine friends from all sides. There are some who are considered both good and evil, and others who are one of each. Matei is from Romania and is a wizard, his family consists of five people, four children, and a single father just getting by. He spent most of his life homeless on the streets after his mother decided she could not take the pressure of having four children and a needy husband. He never had it easy until a demonic family was kind enough to help him by offering his father a job at a large fashion shop. This family belonged to Fern, a Scottish boy who came from a rich ancestral line. You could say he was born with a golden spoon, but he always fought to see otherwise, always trying hard enough to be the best student in his class and even taking courses in business administration at the age of 12. His parents did not pay much attention to him, as he was the oldest son and the only boy among two younger sisters. However, he never felt ignored as he always felt that his sisters needed more support because they were not the smartest, but he loved them anyway. Fern and Matei have known each other for quite some time and eventually became the best of friends.


Two siblings, Reiner is about a year younger than his sister Ava, are related to the king. In fact, they are his nephew and niece. He watched them grow up into their pre-pubescent years when he became king and had other, better and more important things to do. Reiner and Ava come from an American family torn apart by the sudden death of their parents, who were murdered one July night. Luckily, they were adopted into a middle class family that was not exactly great. Have you heard about the story of Cinderela? Well, their lives were very similar. Basically, they were supposed to do all the housework and be the supposed servants of the family's biological child. Although their life in this household was difficult, they could not help but be grateful that they did not end up on the streets without anyone to take care of them. Did I mention that homeless people were treated terribly because of their status? Well, they were.


Hwanseok is probably the most spoiled in the group. Although he is a teenager, he has his own car, his own house, and a large allowance that he receives directly from his parents. He is always out of school and can go on wild vacations all year long, all without having a budget. He may be spoiled, but he also knows the value of the people who work at his mother's zillion dollar company. He's friendly and always open to change. So when he was told they were moving from Korea to LA for better business opportunities, he just nodded and went on his way. Maybe he was not that excited about the idea... But then, when he moved to LA, he met Maribel, a Spanish girl who had also just moved. The two quickly became inseparable and even started a beautiful teenage romance.Did Maribel's parents accept their relationship? Yes. They loved Hwanseok and always invited him and his family to dinner. At that time, Maribel and Hwanseok were completely inseparable.


Elena, Dayno and Justine participated in a student exchange programme and were recently transferred to this school. Elena was from Greece, while Dayno and Justine were from England. They all came from middle class backgrounds that were more than accepting of their dreams of studying abroad.


How did they all meet and become an amazing group of friends? Well, at the beginning of the new school year, many friends were separated even though they were in the same age group, so they were kind of forced to find new friends from their class. Ava, Elena, Fern and Dayno were in classroom 1, while Justine, Maribel were in classroom 2 and finally Hwanseok and Matei were in classroom 4. But since Reiner was younger than all of them, he was in the class below them. By finding seat mates, friendships began to form and soon enough they all became one big group of friends.


Memories were awakened, the friend group was plundered, and everything was normal. Every weekend the friends met and thought about what to do, whether extreme or quiet. Probably their favorite cafes, the arcade and the cinema had become rich by now, because all these activities were among the most popular ones they did together.


It is the Saturday of February 24, 1996.

As the girlfriends walk through the mall, they enter many boutiques, fashion stores and candy stores, spending all the money they have for a great time. Ava and Maribel are about to go into a small jewelry store when Maribel turns to Ava and asks her what she should buy Hwanseok for their 4-month anniversary. The girls were trying to decide between a watch and a bracelet when they suddenly heard that the mall was closed due to an important event to be presented by the Queen and King. Great, they thought, our first of two days off from school is ruined, now we have to listen to the King and Queen lecture us about the behavior of some people. Was it as they thought? No... it was much more serious. And the news that was announced could even destroy the bond they have made...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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